In my attempt to earn money online, I came across hundreds of ads promising overnight success. How can they say that? 

They use what I like to call Pinocchio Marketing Tactics, to be politically correct. Or in other words, blatant lying. The hyped-up announcer, the music, the bright lights and colors, the promises of overnight riches, all a part of this tactic to get you to part with your hard earned dollars. How do they get away with it?

We let them, because we buy into it. We KNOW there is a way to make money online, but it's not as SIMPLE and as CHEAP as we're lead to believe. If making money was as easy as the majority of these ads claim, why isn't everyone rich yet?

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Affiliate Marketing doesn't work. It does. But IT TAKES WORK, COMMITMENT and DEDICATION. You'll also need an advertising budget. 99.99% of the time, you can't get something for nothing. And it's NOT going to happen overnight.

So if you come across a product using the Pinocchio Marketing Tactics, research it, especially if it's something you think you could get passionate about.

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