In today’s market place it just isn’t enough just to follow the traditional paths of marketing and advertising. In our fast paced age of technology and instant gratification as many as 80% of people looking for a product or service will start their search online using a search engine and or social media. This is not just a few people but millions of people each and every day


The more traditional methods of marketing and advertising have become less and less effective, thus making them less cost effective.


So this being the case I embarked on an experiment, of using Social Networking to market both events and product within my businesses. My findings were that the products and events I used in the promotion using Social Networking showed a markedly rise in turnover of people through and of products sold by as much as 30% or more, than the ones that I used the more traditional marketing and advertising methods with. It doesn’t just end there though the process of using Social Networking has brought me many new suppliers of product and venues for events and I have forged many new friendships around the world.


So What is Social Networking? It is good old fashioned word of mouth, people talking to each other, and creating new relationships, albeit not face to face but never the less the use of communication the most effective tool you have and the most effective way of getting your message out there.

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