I thought the title was appropriate but could not find a category for an exact fit.
Where the wood being your search for that internet business and of course the trees being the amount of businesses that are on the internet.
I have been on the internet for a relatively long time and I have bounced from tree to tree thinking that this one will be the right kind of wood for me.
The truth being I was so impatient and wanted everything to go my way. Now, yes you have guessed it, it doesn't work that way there are too many people that only want your money if not your money they want you to advertise every single moment of the day so that they can build their lists and what do you get out of it, well you get added to their list so that they can bombard you with more trees.
The next thing that came along said “give me $10 I will give you XYZ and a dollar per month for every person you recruit", that's nice I get someone to join your business you get $9 and I get $1 who is the mug am I ever going to get to that lucrative Residual income that would set me up for the rest of my life.
Well it came true I did find the wood or  rather I stumbled upon it came to me while I was just sitting down going from page to page Surfing I think it is called, (well after all this time I know it is).
I was intrigued by the set up and confused by the math’s It was a 2x4 non-spliting 4 phase matrix build fed by a 2x2 cycler, but when it was shown to me on a video that's when the penny dropped.
It is easy, there is me, my two friends, their four friends, and then we cycle we all Paid $7 to the business $27 was taken out and paid back to me, $20 of that went to fuel my 2x4 phase 1 of which I was also purchasing a marketing suite and training which is out of this world, no more collecting information from around the net everything is in one place.
The $7 goes back into the 2x2 cycler and as it builds and only needing three new friends the cycle turns and the top most friend then moves to my 2x4 phase 1 and this carries on until 30 friends have joined and followed me to phase 1.
 I could go on and on but to save time watch the presentation on my site and then you decide. http://www.residualcashblaster.com/index.php?spon=845

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