How to double your affiliate commissions by using a simple and little known technqiue

The secret to making more money is follow-up emails. Send a follow-up email one or two days later.


By following up, you can instantly double or triple your profits.

But what should your follow up emails contain?

Here is some information about what to include and tactics you should use to double or triple your affiliate commissions.

Use a different subject line

One tactic I use is sending out the same email twice. Sometimes you can send the same email out twice and get better results.

You may even double your profits if you follow up your first email with an identical email with a different subject line or headline!

You see most people are too busy. They may not have time to pay attention to your first email. Who cares? They will probably respond to a second email with a different subject line. So send a second email, ask them if they received your first email, and follow up.

This is an easy way to double your profits.


Use a different hook

Let’s say you are successful promoting an affiliate product when you send your first email. You send your customers a short story telling them how you benefited from the product. Congratulations! You make a sale.

What if your customer doesn’t buy? 

Maybe you want them to buy more. Follow up.

Ask your customer, “Did you receive my email yesterday?” Then tell them why your affiliate product is so great again, or offer them an added incentive. Give them some reason to buy. Some reason you are filling your need.

Do you stop there? No way. Send a third email. What do you include in that?

Recap the information you sent them in the first two emails. Now send them a testimonial, something people have to say about the product.

Something good.

Post email entries to your blog

By the way, don't just rely on email, post your emails to your blog for the world to see as well.

Posting your affiliate emails to your blog is a simple way to double or triple your income. Send out lots of emails and follow up.  That is how you will get your loyal customers to buy from you.

However, what about the customers that aren’t reading your emails? What about the world at large?  Don’t worry. When you are promoting a product, do everything you can to promote it. That means post your emails to your blog.

Promote with passion and confidence

You can also double your profits by infusing a bit of passion in all you do.

If you do not promote your products with passion and confidence, why should customers buy from you? I don’t.


I don’t sell anything I don’t feel passionate about.

You can’t expect your customers to feel passionate about a product you beg them to buy. Tell them why this product is life-changing. Tell them exactly how it changed your life or others. Get excited. Jump up and down. Spin around and dance.

Do what you have to do. Promote with passion!


P.S. Here's your chance to be part of a world-class affiliate program that's silently making some crafty affiliates literally several thousand dollars every month ... it's easy to promote with one payment,no monthly fees and no sponsoring.

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