We've all heard about the mistakes we can make with our online marketing and there's many trust me. Below are a few glaring mistakes and solutions I've either dealth with or are dealing with at the present. Hope they help.


1. Make sure your site loads fast and is easy to understand, too many graphics and too much flash on your first page makes your site take forever to load and that's a serious turn off to people coming to your site for information.


2. Work hard to get your audience to trust you, give them some free information on your blog, be the person who offers help and not just that pushy salesperson nobody likes.


3. Product knowledge: Make sure you know your product and that all the information you're giving people is up to date including your website. People will get the wrong impression if they find out your content or information is old. After all, you're expecting people to come out of their pocket with their hard earned money.


4. Never make the client feel like they're risking something, put all the risk on your back, give people a strong money back guarantee in case they're not satisfied. When you have a strong money back guarantee, your refund request will be small. Internet Marketing can be a breeze if you do it correctly.


when you get a minute, you may want to take a look at my Home Business site, no pressure here, just take a look at the short video and if you're interested and want more information just fill out the opt-in form to your right, we're spam and virus free.



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