I was reading an article here at Apsense called earning from home that was very short and focused on writing your goals. This along with the comments in the article got me thinking about commitment, don't ask me why it just did. 

In this world of fast cars, fast food and fast relationships, you see a lot of debris along the way. Nearly everyone is looking for pleasure or avoiding pain, if you look at your life were are you at. 

Take a moment and examine the words above and if you are honest with yourself you will probably find that you are doing both, looking for pleasure and avoiding pain.  If you ask most people they are looking for pleasure but nearly everyone has some pain they are avoiding. 

In our world if we want to achieve our goals it is sometimes advisable to look at or deal with the pain we have been avoiding. Why you may ask. If we don't it will always be there niggling at us in unseen ways and no matter how hard we try to avoid the pain it always comes up in one way or another and we use that as an excuse as why we have not succeeded.

So how do we deal with past and current pain if we have avoided pain all our lives. This is the tricky bit, because people are all different they all need different tactics to help address the pain they have been avoiding. There is one tactic that I have found very helpful for people and that is to allow your imagination or as some call it your true self to show you the way.

I find that if you can find a quiet place were you can sit quietly for a few minutes and focus your imagination/inner self on the issue really helps. Here is how I do it.

  1. Allow any tension in your body to ease.

  2. Take some slow deep breaths filling the lower part of your lungs

  3. When you breath out imagine all your tension and frustration flowing out on your out breath. Don't worry if it all doesn't go. Do this for two minutes

  4. With eyes either open or closed, imagine a brilliant golden ball about 1 meter in front of you.

  5. Keep breathing and imagine the golden light is beginning to enter your body on your in breath.

  6. If there is any tension left in your body imagine the golden light entering the area and removing the tension from your body/mind

  7. Let this process happen for a few minutes.

  8. Now imagine that the wisest person in the world is sitting int he golden light ready to help you with your pain.

  9. When you have finished imagine the golden light leaving your body and focus back on your breathing and become aware of your body and how it feels, wiggle your fingers and toes and slowly stand up when you are ready.

Now you should have some form of remedy for the pain you have been avoiding and a clearer path to the pleasure you have been searching for. 

I am not a medical doctor or trained psychologist and offer this information as general information that has helped me. Consult you medical experts if pain persists :) 

If you are wondering what does this have to do with commitment to yourself. Well whenever we are focused on avoiding something we are generally not focused on what is in our best interest so by clearing some of our own debris we give ourselves the opportunity to be the person we want to be.

Enjoy I hope this helps someone.

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