I'm always trying to stay ahead of the curve and understand whats happening in the online world. There's a conference going on now in N.Y. at the Hilton named, Focus Latino and its all about the Latino online market and how and why companies should reach out to the Hispanic Marketet. Google made a move that shook the ground in Latino Marketing, Google knows that companies are just scratching the surface as far as reaching the Hispanic Market online. Hispanics are throwing up big numbers online. Google hired Mark Lopez as the new head of the U.S. Hispanic Market. Google created this position just for Mark and now people are sitting up taking notice.


Google has a whole new organization in this arena that's about to make a big move in the industry, when the number one big boy makes a move, everybody listens. Hispanics spending power is about 1.3 Trillion dollars and they're gaining political strenth as well, so you know Google had to sit up and take notice. Most companies are still unsure about how to approach the Latino market but if Google made th first move then that means they've studied this market and are about to validate their findings. I'm pretty sure Google's first order of business is to figure out how to reach the Latino market through SEO, Social Media, and Analytics.


This is a challenge for me personally as a Marketer and Advertiser, I may even farm out some work to my Latino friends.



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