There are millions of Marketing techniques out here and while some techniques work for some, some work for others. I'm in the process of creating my own unique parallel Marketing techniques that fit me and my direction, we may all have different avenues to reach our destinations but we're all headed in the same DIRECTION I feel, how we get there is up to us and what we feel comfortable with. We can use systems that are already in place and adjust accordingly and in my case I didn't invent Parallel Marketing, I'm only adjusting it to fit my needs. We don't have to re-invent the wheel, all we have to do is adjust and build a better mousetrap.


My concept of Parallel Marketing is simply this, I clear my mind and think of a series of parallel columns, each column has its function and place. My website is parallel to my blog, my blog is parallel to my articles, my articles are parallel to my press releases, my press releases are parallel to my social media involvment, my Twitter newspaper is parallel to Twitter, My Facebook fan page is parallel to my Facebook involvement. All these parallel colums are connected by ONE STRAND of COAXLE CABLE run through the middle and communicate with each other effortlessly, thereby creating one powerful information source that communicate with each other seamlessly round the clock. Where Is that cable connected to you ask? MY BRAIN.


That's how I make things work in my world of parallel Marketing, I do the same thing like clockwork at the same time on a daily basis and make adjustments where necessary allowing the clock to run like well, clockwork. i like experimenting with my marketing in a series fashion instead of linear. Everybody is raised to think in a linear fasion, THE SAME. I think inside of the box, on the side of the box and outside of the box, I allow my brain the freedom to create as I learn, I learn, execute and test, test and test again. Parallel Marketing allows me that freedom and versality, its all about MIND SHIFT MARKETING.

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