Just a Small Business Operator in central NY , but Trying to Keep My Head UP.. Our new Governor has recently blown out the bottom of human dignity  By helping the rich and putting down the poor ,, who are Barely making a living anyway..
He has extended the laws that are protecting the rich and has turned his back on the poor.
Small Business Owners , people like the retired , the elderly , medicaid recipients  and many Others have been given the short stick... The Government Itself is Borrowing just to stay Afloat !!  Education , medicaid , food-stamps and more - are All targeted for spending Cuts..  Those that make over  200 thousand per year will continue to slide away with lower taxes..  You Know There are Over 4000 NYS Employees that make Over 100 Thousand per year and THEY Wouldn't Take One Day OFF A Week - for 8 Weeks to Save our State 4 Million Dollars..  Sad.. I am Still trying to make a living on my part-time jobs , my disability check and Thank God - some New Biz Ops I started at http://Ocalgroup.info  Now NYS Government - Should have Thought More , Before They started chopping off Money to the poor... Do You Believe in Karma ?  Do You want Your State to take from the poor and continue to grant Tax Advantages to the rich ??  Do Yourself a Favor - WRITE Your Congressman - Senators - Assembly People in Your State TODAY - Or CALL Them .. 
DO NOT LET THE GOVERNMENT IN YOUR STATE CUT OFF THE POOR !!  To Be Sure - They Will Reap What They are Sowing ,, but We MUST Write or CALL Our Reps.. Bless You and Keep Promoting AP Sense.com   Us Business Owners Have to Stick Together.. Peace.

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