I love APSense.com for all the creativity and help they provide, to become a successful business entrepreneur. I know that for some it is easy and ideas are always there at the click of their finger. Some of us are born just with that key that leads us to where we are today.

I just know that sometimes we block,  and there is nothing to write about.  We become drained of ideas  such brain freeze especially when APSense asks to apply or write a blog, create a rev-page, create a group, and more tasks to gain points.

I really would like if there was something or someone that can help us with ideas or some keywords help,  to start something that is innovative and fun. The Talents thing is fun but I have to find in me my Talents. I know I love writing poetry for quite sometime now, but recently, I did not write any.  I did not decide yet what to apply, because I am presently on a writer's block period.

It is true that I am doing other things in my life right now, like going back to school attend classes everyday.  The subjects that I am learning they drain me, because I am on the computer all day trying to learn and focus on updating computer applications and accounting software. I was out of school for quite a while now, going back feels like being young again, but it require lots of focus and memory to retain all the information that I am training for to be able to also pass the exams. I have passed one already and have more to come until mid April. When I finish with this program I have to focus on getting myself a job. I am out of work for 20 months now. No income yet with all the sales and ads I have tried to promote. Household revenues has decreased since the loss. I know that underneath the dark tunnel of my life there is a light and hope for me to make it.
I know that I will succeed and my dreams one day will become a reality.

I really needed to share this subject,  because, sharing is like taking a cup of coffee or tea together. I think I am not the only one living the similar obstacles of life.

I thank you so much for helping me with this hard time of my life.


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