Who and what are fair weather marketing friends you may ask? These are the people who fake like they're your friends in the beginning to get your guard down so they can sell you on the sly, these are the people who lull you into a state of lethargy so they can place you in their sales funnel on the down low. These are the people who once they find out that you don't want to get involved in or are interested in what they're selling who leave you in the dust never to be heard from again.


Be careful and on guard for these snakes because they sneak up on you at a moments notice with offers of friendship dripping syrup from their lips, that is until they find out that you know their game, then they run for the hills to crawl back under the rock they crawled out from. This is not a rant, this is real and a fact of life in this industry and you'd better get ready for it if you know what's good for you. I believe in full transparency and recriprocal relationships. If we can't support each other you need to stay as far away from me as humanly possible.


These people love to join groups, forums and sites like these so they can go on the hunt for succeptable newbies who haven't learned the game yet, by the time they figure out what's really going on its way too late because they've already been opted in or placed on somebodies list with cookies all over their hard drive, its a sad commentary but its a reality that you must be made aware of. And yes, they're in here as well.

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