Are you striving for a decent traffic flow? If you could not get huge traffic to your site as you dream, will you resort to buy traffics? Do you tempted to ads promoting thousands of visitors for small friction of cost? Will they bring any sales or get you higher Google ranking? But I can bet with you, they will bring you a bigger bounce rate figure than any sales :). That will indirectly kill your SEO campaign too.

This is Free SEO Guide Part 3 and final article for this topic. Ok, lets we move straight to the points...

Mistake 1: Expecting Instant Result.

Higher expectation will bring to frustration when what you expected never realized soon, human nature :). SEO marketing not like articles or guest blogging marketing strategy where you can get very quick traffic. Here you must prepare to wait a longer period for the SEO campaign to work.

Mistake 2: Badly Chosen Keywords.

Keywords are the most important factor to success in your SEO campaign. You cannot expect competitive single keywords like "video" or "music" can get first page result in Google search any time sooner. Instead of going after the competitive keywords you should smart enough to use long tail keywords and some other low competition related keywords to your niche. Once your low competition keywords get high ranking in SERPs, you have better chances to get higher rank for your competitive keywords too.

You must make sure your chosen keywords relevant to the products or service you offer otherwise you will be kicked a side by search engine as spam site. You also have to choose the best profitable keywords, what the point gets high rank in SERPs and could not turn the traffic to improve your earning.

Please watch the video below for better understanding of choosing your keywords.



Please click here to watch rest of videos how to find profitable keywords.

Mistake 3: Linking With Wrong Guys.

Linking with non relevant niches will not bring any good to your dream to get high ranking in SERPs. If you subscribed to automatic link building schemes its might bring more harm to your SEO than positive improvement. You may get punished by Google for unnatural links building. Build link with authority site and higher ranking blogs which related to your niche.

Mistake 4: Wrong Prescription.

Don't get me wrong when I said "Prescription" I am not in Viagra business :). You don't have to subscribe to the latest trend of SEO always, it will constantly change and that's how business people make money. Rather than obsessed with submit your site to search engine often or adding "no follow" attribution to all out going links be a good content provider. You must cover 3 core important elements of SEO:-

I) Good value content
II) Best suitable keywords
III) Good backlinks

Search engine optimization is an investment, when done it properly you can harness the power of search engines and get huge free targeted traffic to your site. I hope if you haven't really step on SEO marketing strategy, my Free SEO Guide series of articles will shed some light on the topic. And as usual if you found this article worth reading please share or bookmark on your favorite Bookmark site below. Thank you & talk soon with other topics.

Originally Posted at One Dollar Corner Dot Com

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