Well leave it to my partner (Craig Caron) to give me my next post idea.  He was so right in how we face the challenges in life that will either make us  stay where we are (in our comfort zone) OR we will move forward and keep growing.

It's really funny how we can go thru life and it's such little things that scare the crap out of ya - yet when you have time to think about it - you really wonder what is it that is causing that fear or what is preventing us from doing what we should be doing.  So I have been thinking about this and here I am going to give you my two cents on this subject.

A person goes thru life and can get in this comfortable state with what they are doing - this can even happen in a marriage - you have been married for so long that you are comfortable with each other but yet you don't love each other anymore.  The reason I bring that up is I was there done that - it's like you are going thru life existing and NOT living.  I heard that from my friends after the fact - a person doesn't even realize it when you are in that situation.

Well this happens thru out a person's life - you can either stay in your comfort zone OR take that step outside (sometimes needing a nudge - like I got tonight lol).  My example here was that Craig asked me if I would start the webinars for Family Networker - do the introduction and tell what Family Networker is and what we do - well it was something about speaking to everyone in a webinar that brought the ugly head of fear up.

I told him I would have to think about it and his reply back - you need to be a doer and not a thinker.  He also stated that unless you start doing it now you are never going to conquer this and move forward - he was sooooooo right (don't you just hate it when people make sense lol)  The funny part is that I do this on a daily basis now with so many and don't know why this was such a big deal - I think it's that fear of so many listening - like speaking in front of a crowd.

Then, I remembered Oprah today SUZE ORMAN'S INTERVENTION WITH OCTOMOM NADYA SULEMAN - wow that was an eye-opener - but one thing popped out at me when she asked her why she didn't want to do TV appearances with the kids to help earn money to feed them and her answer was she was afraid at what people would think.  Suze said who cares - they are going to think it anyway and the only goal you have here is to move forward right now and find a way to feed all those kids.

So the bottom line here folks is that there are going to be challenges in life that scare the crap out of you - but unless you conquer those fears that ares holding you back - you are never going to move forward - you are going to have to step out of that comfort zone even when you don't think you can - how do you know until you try.  The question to ask here is - do I want to be at this same place (in my comfort zone) a year from now or do I want to do what it takes to keep growing and moving forward - it's up to you.

"Challenges: we all have them. The difference is how we handle our challenges. To have less stress in your life - deal with your challenges!" Catherine Pulsifer

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." Dale Carnegie

"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." Henry Ford

"The obstacles you face are... mental barriers which can be broken by adopting a more positive approach." Clarence Blasier

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