
How you see yourself is not the same as how those around you see you. Your personal growth is as if the mirror that reflects who you are has two images. And the image that you present to your world is exactly what is reflected back to you in loss or fulfillment.

The mirror in front of you has two images ... always has... and you never knew it. The you that you see is not the same as the you that I see when I look in your mirror. Your personal growth has a history as well as the growing part. What you see is the you that is history. Good or bad, your image staring back at you reminds you of every defeat and every victory ever painted onto the canvas of your life. As you see those eyes coming back at you, the memories of all that past colors how you see your mirror. And in that cosmic nanosecond that you look away to move on with your day, you make a choice. That choice is how you present your self to the world until the next moment that you check yourself in the mirror to review your personal growth. You choose to present yourself either as -- in the flow of all that is the positive image of your life. Or you choose to present yourself as the victim of all the influences the you believe you cannot control.

What I see is you here, now, right now. If I am a person just meeting you; there is no knowledge of all the past, bad or even good. And even if I do know you very well, my reaction to who you are is still in the now. I react to how you present yourself to me or any other person that matters in your life. This is important for you to take with you each day. Present yourself in confidence and expectation and the people you interact with will also reflect that confidence and expectation. But if you instead present yourself in misery and woe then that too is what will be reflected back to you ... or else the person you hoped to engage with in some sort of interaction will actually pull away from you.

People are drawn toward others that build up their view of the world they love and adore. If your presentation of yourself builds them up, validates their beliefs, and supports their own goals then they will reflect back to you what you offer and your relationship with them will become deeper and have more value. The converse also applies. If you bring with you the image from your mirror of all the defeats and trials of your history and offer that in your presentation of yourself; then you will see people draw away from you.

When you validate others by supporting their values you become a fast friend or a business associate with a stronger relationship. This is best accomplished by asking leading questions that allow them to share their mirror with you. Ask enough questions and people offer to you their needs that you may possibly be able to offer a solution that has benefited you.

Until your own mirror becomes radiant enough to draw others to you it is well to learn from leaders whose mirror is clear and shows the way to a more abundant life. A great place to star is by using the free inspirational material at White Dove Books The videos and ebooks there have helped me significantly to improve my own mirror of personal growth. I am so happy to share the blessing. main page referral

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