If you?re looking for an in-depth treatment of free traffic generation methods then you should invest in Total Traffic Annihilation.  I recently had the opportunity to enjoy a preview of this course, and the eBook alone makes it worth your while?it contained 114 pages of focused, step-by-step methods that were presented as a total marketing plan.

I especially enjoyed the sections on blog comment marketing and forum marketing.  These sections really helped me understand the right way to use those tools and the strength of what they have to offer.  I?d avoided them in the past, feeling as though they were somewhat artificial, but Total Traffic Annihilation showed me they did not have to be.

While I?m not certain all 28 of the strategies presented in the eBook are good fits for my business I was impressed to have so many options to choose from.  Every one of the options was covered in a clear, understandable way that will make them easy for me to implement in the future.

The new software package also offers some exciting applications.  For example, it allows me to specify RSS feeds to pull content from.  It then automatically uses this content to create posts in the categories I specify.  I enjoy having a way to comb through article directories for this freely available content.  It even allows me to create a site that appears to have been around for awhile through the clever use of back-dating.  My site doesn?t look at all automated as a result, which I appreciate given most people?s opinions of automated blogs.

That?s not to say the course is perfect.  I found some of the information duplicated things I have tried and found ineffective in the past, such as submitting to directories like DMOZ.  I would have liked to have seen some more in-depth troubleshooting in this area because I?ve simply never found success there.  It may simply have been that my sites were a poor fit for the directories or because I was impatient.

All in all, however, I would happily recommend this course.  It should be especially helpful to anybody who has struggled with getting enough website traffic.  After all, no traffic means no sales, making this course the potential investment of a lifetime.

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