Note :
  • articles used to be called blogs at APSense
  • subjects in groups used to be called discussions

Yesterday, there was a very interesting topic written by Laura Newton called "Geographic Add Targeting For Apsense Campaigns?"

Many comments were written, many opinions given. It wasn't the regular article full of "nice site" or "very interesting" comments. There was a real discussion.

I suggested that the blog become a subject in a group.

Dawie didn't agree, saying articles get more attention. He's right, you don't have to join the group to participate in a discussion if it's in a blog.

I want for groups to become more interesting. I think ApSense groups have a lot of potential. All we need to do for a group not to be lost among many discussions or go through pages and pages before seeing a discussion that catches our interest is for the creator or moderators of the group to create a discussion used as a Table of Content ( thanks for the idea, Paula ), we can then stick the TOC to the top of the discussions.

I think we can have the best of both worlds. 2 strategies can be used. Here's the first one :

  1. Create the blog  first
  2. Copy parts of the blog in a new discussion in an appropriate group
  3. Put a link to the blog in the discussion
  4. Emphasize that members comment in the blog instead of the group discussion
That way, the topic gets a better chance of getting long term visibility, and some members might be tempted to join the group, see other discussions, click on the link to the blogs, rinse and repeat.

A 2nd strategy could be to :

  1. Create the blog
  2. Wait 3 days
  3. Post it in the group as a discussion, with some changes
I prefer the 1st strategy.

BTW, these 2 strategies are not my ideas, they were suggested to me by Wincer.

If you have any suggestions, comments, or other strategies in mind, please share it with us.



Please remember, if you like a blog a RevPage :

1. Click the "top it" link ( blog ), or vote for it ( RevPage )
2. Retweet it, share it on FaceBook, it gets even more attention to you and ApSense
3. If you really love it, bookmark it as a reference for your own business building efforts

On your own blogs and RevPages :

1. Keep them clean, by first clicking the "report abuse" link when you see a comment that breaks a rule
2. Delete the abuse or spam comments, your blogs and RevPages will shine

Most important, if you choose to add a reminder section like this one here, don't put truckloads of links. Give good information about yourself, or tips to help other people be more successful. The signature is there for links.


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