Why It Is Important To Always Track Ones Traffic

Traffic is the lifeblood of our online business. The more the merrier in most cases.

This isn't generally the case for marketers. Marketers need targeted traffic and they need to know where it is coming from. If you are unaware of where your traffic is coming from, then you don't know which traffic generation methods are effective.

Only the successful marketers make any effort to monitor their traffic.

If you are paying for advertising and not tracking your visitors you are throwing money away! You must recognize which adverts are generating money and which are not. You can then increase your income by doing more of the adverts that are effective and less of those which aren't.

It doesn't have to be complex to monitor your traffic. You can purchase scripts and services that will track your website traffic for you. These vary greatly in cost and features.

A script or service usually makes it easier for you to monitor your traffic.

Google Analytics provides easy visitor tracking. This popular service is free. The best thing about it is that it provides detailed stats and can track pretty much anything. The bad thing is that it provides detailed stats and can track pretty much anything!

Initially, the amount of information will perplex you. However, once you have spent some time getting to know the results it will prove very useful.

The first thing is to insert the code in to your web site. This code is unique for each of your websites and needs to be inserted at the bottom of each page in your website just before the closing body tag.

Once it is reporting data, you need to drive a decent amount of visitors to your blog or website to get some good results.

Analytics will report on all activity on your website and even go as far to overlay where people are clicking to help you understand the activity on your website. By linking Analytics with Adsense and Adwords you can see how well these are working for you.

A significant feature of Analytics is it provides goal tracking which tracks sales and subscriptions. If you are using a script on your website it can be complex to get it working, but it is worthwhile.

Apart from the features, the big selling point to a lot of marketers is the cost ... it's free. Google get to know how your visitors interacts with your website but that is a small price to pay for such in-depth analytics

Using Google Analytics will help you in knowing where you get your traffic from as well as what it does on your site. This information will assist you to increase your conversion rate as well as your profits.

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