The Old Man Who wanted to be smart with a young girl to prove his Stupid manliness-a STORY?bhupinder

The old man was above 82 years of age. He had a successful business ,had been abroad for many years,had a recent heart by pass surgery and was afflicted with a skin disease.

He owned a car and a driver often accompanied him. Once he met a young girl who was doing a diploma in journalism?she was known to her through a friend. She was to write  an article on old age. So he invited her to a good Eating place; The girl Rani went there to interview her on various aspects of old age.The old man Mr S S Kumar complained about the agony of old age and indifference of youngsters Rani stare to take notes and listened with respect to Mr S S Kumar.

After some time she she started to feel that Mr Kumar was behaving in a strange manner,he was staring hard at her physical contours and started boasting that how smar he had been, Mr Kumar began to explain that he had met smart and leading women all over the world hat he had a lot of drive and energy and that he has three cars all driven by the hire drivers. While saying all this he clasped the hand of Rani and in a very subtle way put her other hand on her shoulder .

Rani got up pretending to make a phone call on her mobile. She came back after some time and very politely thanked Mr Kumar for giving her points on old age woes. Rani begged leave of Mr S S Kumar who with a strange and silly smile on his face said that she has a good job of a writer in his son Printing Press and she could also improve some of manuscripts he had written .

Rani politely said that she is busy in her studies as her Exams are near As she was about to go Mr S S Kumar firmly clasped her both hands and said good bye. As Mr S S Kumar boarded his car, Rani went to a park nearby and began to cry.Rani knew that no one would believe her as the old persons would always have benefit of doubt but she was sure about the odd unwanted behaviour.

She was shocked as mostly elderly persons she had interviewed were real kind fatherly or even grandfatherly figures. Mr S S Kumar afflicted with a skin disease could be so lecherous and odd .She really began to think about this kind of deviant and bad behaviour of some of old men.

Next day she talked to elder sister of her friend Poorvi. Her elder sister Rukmani is a Ph.d in psychology.Rukmani told her that such old men live in a world of delusion. Mr S S Kumar in his subconscious mind wanted to prove his manlihood to himself even at the age of eighty plus,so he thought that he could be friendly to a young girl of twenty five and show it to others and may be prove that he is still manly at age of eighty plus two  could

attract young girls. Mr S S Kumar wealth also boosted his ego but in reality he only made a young girl loose respect for some of the elders. Rukmani also added that even some of younger men also are eager to boost their egos by being unduly friendly or suggestive to some young girls or women.

But Rani also began to think of her young class fellows and elderly neighbours who are so considerate ,polite and dignified. She only prayed that such odd ,psychotic persons like Mr S S Kumar could understand the humiliation faced by such girls seeking their careers and that God give more sound advice to some of such strange elders only concerned to prove their manlihood to themselves.

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