I agree that traffic exchanges are a good source of traffic, no doubt...

But when someone mentions a traffic exchange what's the first thing that comes to mind? Getting more traffic correct?  Not at first and hopefully you're using that traffic to build your list and not someone else's right?  Really, traffic is only good for one thing.

The truth is, this is not why I love traffic exchanges...

Traffic exchanges are an excellent source of monthly income for your online business.  You may know this already, but there are many traffic exchanges that pay anywhere from 50% to 75% commission to upgraded members.  That's good money and it's legit and legal, useful, and desirable to most Internet marketer who are using the Internet to generate a monthly income. When you build passive cash flow you ensure your continued growth of your business because you can afford to increase your advertising budget and get more exposure.

Important Fact Regarding Manual Traffic Exchanges.

I'm just going to say it and some of you may like and agree with it and some of you may have never thought about it before.  Free Suck!  As a free member it sucks to surf three hundred pages just to receive 100 hits to your lead capture page.  It's easy to figure out if you think about it.  As a free member, you may or may not earn a commission and if it pays one, it's usually below 30%.  For example, if the upgrade is 10.00 per month, and it pays 30% commission your earnings is exactly $3.00.

With just ten upgraded members referred to the exchange your earnings should be:

10 upgraded members x $3.00 per member totals: $30.00. per month.

The Freedom Comes From The Upgrade At Manual Traffic Exchanges.

Like I said, free just doesn't offer the kind of money needed to gain real freedom in your life and when it comes to the exchanges,  the upgrade is the not so secret method of making between $100.00 to $500.00 per month.   Let's use the example above but this time we use an exchange that pays a 50% commission instead of 30%.   So for each referral who upgrades their account you will earn $5.00 per month.

With just ten upgraded members referred to the exchange your earnings should be:

10 upgraded members x $5.00 per member totals $50.00 per month.

The Traffic Exchange Upgrade Pays The Bills!

What about 75%?  Yes, there are many traffic exchanges that pays you a 75% commission.  Just following the math shows that you can make a good money every month by upgrading in the right exchanges.

10 upgraded members x $7.50 per member totals $75.00 per month.

Gross profit in this case is $60.00 per month.  10 members x $7.50 equals $75.00 income per month with a cost of only $10.00 per month.  Your net profit is $60.00 profit.  No matter how you look at it the upgrade is the best way to earn money online while getting an increase in traffic plus as an upgraded member you earn one credit or more per click while surfing.  Imagine only having to surf 100 sites and receive 100 hits your lead capture page.

Why Upgrade In Only One When You Can Double Your Money?

If for example you upgrade in just 4 traffic exchanges.

Site #1 costs $10.00 per month pays 50% earning you a profit of $5.00.
Site #2 costs $15.97 per month pays 75% earning you a profit of $11.97
Site #3 costs $39.95 per month pays 70% earning you a profit of $27.99
Site #4 costs $24.95 per month pays 50% earning you a profit of $12.47
Your total cost for one month $90.87.

Your gross profit with just three upgraded members referred is a total of $172.29
monthly income.

What happens when you get to 10 people on ten exchanges?

Your total cost has not changed it's still $90.87.

Site #1 monthly profit with ten upgraded members.  $ 50.00
Site #2 monthly profit with ten upgraded members.  $119.70
Site #3 monthly profit with ten upgraded members.  $270.99
Site #4 monthly profit with ten upgraded members.  $124.70
Your total profit ------------------------------------------------$565.39  Per month.

So you earn a gross profit of $565.39
You total cost each month is $  90.87
---------------------------------------$474.52 per month.

I think you can see now why I don't love traffic exchanges for the traffic, I love the easy monthly income you can generate if you're smart about it.  I am upgraded in more than 20 top traffic exchanges and enjoy a very good cash flow every month,, so can you.  As you can see this is why free is Not the membership for you if you want to make money on the web the easiest way possible.

Use The Traffic To Build Your List - Use The Upgrade To Build Passive Cash Flow.

So let's look at a the total picture.

Upgrade in one or two traffic exchanges and use your marketing system to automatically drive new people to those two exchanges while you build your list.
Take the profits and upgrade in two more, then repeat until you are upgraded in ten exchanges.  Now you have ten income streams and with ten members upgrades in each one, your income will continue to grow.  Of course you will receive residual traffic as well because as an upgraded member, you earn a percentage of your referrals surfing. This will drive a large volume of traffic to your branded capture page. Talk about building your list quick!

That's my message about traffic exchanges,  Upgrade to earn more money.

I highly recommend you read my free marketing guide
- Click Traffic Mastermind - to discover exactly how to
add 20 to 40 opt ins to your list daily using traffic exchanges.
Joe Sansoucie skpe: joe.sansoucie
Owner: SuperbTextAdvertising.com

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