Welcome to VemmaBuilder?'s Back Office!

This is the Control Panel of your Business Operations.  Only NASA's astronauts have a more sophisticated, state-of-the-art System.  That's only natural, because our System is designed to skyrocket your business into profit orbit.

Look at the menu options in the blue bar running along the top of the page.  Each one transports you to a different operations center.  The functions of each are described below.

Genealogy -- Want to see all of the people below you in your SuccessLine?(s)?  Then click on Genealogy.  A name written in blue is someone you personally introduced to VemmaBuilder?.  A name in black or gray is someone who was introduced to the business by your upline or downline.

Tax Advisor -- Space may be the final frontier, but a home-based business is the final great tax shelter.  Learn how you can save big on taxes by clicking on Tax Advisor, where a treasure chest of tax tips awaits you.  Written by nationally recognized tax expert, Mary Sprouse, the Tax Advisor makes sure you receive all of the tax-sheltering benefits of your VemmaBuilder? business.

Contact Manager -- Click on Contact Manager to see contact information about the persons you have personally introduced to VemmaBuilder?.  Come here also to change the information your Pre-Enrollees and Members see in the emails we send them.  Simply click on "Update Personal Information."

Account Info -- Need to change the personal data and billing information you want VemmaBuilder? to have when it communicates with you?  Then head over to Account Info. In the middle of the page, you can change how Pre-Enrollees are allocated to your SuccessLine?s.

Top Leaders -- Thomas Edison said, "Genius is 1% Inspiration and 99% perspiration."  To see who is perspiring and inspiring the most, go to our Top Leaders page.  This real-time list of VemmaBuilder?'s prime movers and shakers should help motivate you to similar heights!

Training -- Looking for guidance?  Our Training Page highlights simple steps to success.  Follow these helpful hints to turbocharge your business.

Help -- Confused or curious about some aspect of VemmaBuilder??  No problem.  Click on Help for answers to Frequently Asked Questions.  Need to get in touch with your personal Enroller?  Click on the "Who Are My Enrollers" button at the top left to see the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of up to 5 of your upline Enrollers.  They are eager to coach you to success, so call or email them.

Search -- In a hurry to find someone in your Contact Manager?  Then hustle to Search, and enter all or part of your Contact's name or email address.  Your Contact's name and info will miraculously appear.

Front Office -- Return to the Front Office by clicking on this tab above.  There you will find information about Our System, the Vemma? dual compensation plan, the Vemma? Nutrition Program, and Vemma? itself.

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