3 Keys To Creating Big-Time Commission Checks

By Jimmy D. Brown

This is an excerpt from master internet-marketing expert Jimmy D. Brown's
special report "3 Keys To Creating Big-Time Commission Checks"

 â€œHow To Get Bigger Commission Checks Than Your Competitors”


Welcome to this special report.  I'm Jimmy D. Brown and I'll be your tour guide.
We're going to jump right into the thick of things today with a foundational concept that is
certainly going to increase the size and consistency of your affiliate commission checks no
matter what program you choose to promote.

Key #1:  Capture The Subscriber First.

Here's how a lot of people promote their favorite offer...

They simply advertise their affiliate link and send visitors directly to the website where
the product salesletter awaits.

Two quick questions for you regarding this practice:

1) Who gets the ultimate benefit?

2) What happens to those who don't buy?

Think about this for a moment –
When you send a visitor to the salespage, who gets the ultimate benefit of your effort? I'll give
you a hint:  it's NOT YOU.

The owner of the product does.  Why? 
Because if they are any kind of marketer at all, they'll
have a LIST of some kind for visitors to join.

And then they get to promote to that subscriber over and over again.  And not just their
products, but they can promote other people's products as well.
   SIDEBAR:  To be sure, they'll likely spend the first few
   follow-up offers to promote their own offer and you WILL
   likely earn a commission on referrals, everybody knows
   the real value is in the long-term offers being sent.  Any
   of these future offers that they send promoting other
   stuff leaves you out of the loop.

And while you got them that subscriber through your effort, you ain't getting paid a penny for
all of those future sales.

Moving on to that second question…

The average salesletter gets around 2% conversion.  That means 98 out of ever 100 people
you send to the site will NOT buy.  What happens to those folks?  They either walk away
empty-handed never to be seen again, or they join the list and get a variety of offers presented
to them.  Either way, it's not going to help you in the long run.

That's a LOT of wasted effort, isn't it?  You're looking at a relatively small payday for your
investment of time and money in getting visitors to click thru your affiliate link.

Fortunately, there's a better way.  A much better way.

And that is key #1:  "capture the subscriber first".
Here's the better way to promote your affiliate link...

1) Setup a list at your site. 

This can be to give away a free report, publish a regular newsletter, offer a mini-course (like
the one you're reading), share articles, etc.  It can be anything you want.  Just make sure it's..

  A. Desirable information that would attract subscribers.
  B. Highly related to the offer you're promoting as an affiliate.

After you have your list setup and in place, do this...

2)Promote your list INSTEAD of your affiliate link.

Your primary objective should be to build YOUR list instead of someone else's.  That way YOU
can promote offers to them over and over again long-term.
3) Redirect them to your affiliate link.

Setup your list to redirect the new subscriber to a "thank you" page that confirms their
subscription and notifies them to check their email for the first issue/lesson/download link, etc.
Include a bold link that reads "Click Here To Continue." That bold link should be your affiliate

Get the rest of this report at the link below. It's totally FREE and you can also give the
report away for free to build your customer list(s) or drive more traffic to your site or blog.

Click here for your complete FREE report.

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