Termites can be active throughout certain times of the year in Boise, Idaho, but it is essential to know when termites become most active and when you should be on high alert. As the summer in Boise approaches and the days grow longer, so does the termite season. When temperatures reach a certain point,  you can expect to see the termites come out of hiding and start wreaking havoc. 

So, when is termite season? In Boise, it typically begins during spring and summer,  right after the snow melts and the ground thaws. Subterranean termites, the most common type found in Boise, swarm during summer from July to September. 

To help prevent these pests from taking over your home or business this season, Pest Control in Boise has put together some valuable tips and tricks for all homeowners.

Fix any moisture problems in your home, such as plumbing leaks or poor drainage. Termites thrive in damp environments and can't survive without a moist environment. 

Reduce the clutter in your yard, especially wood materials and piles of leaves, which could be a good source of termites' food. 

Replace any damaged wood outside your house, such as decks or staircases. 

Move mulch away from your home's foundation to reduce the risk of attracting these pests.

Regularly inspect the inside and outside of your home for signs of termite damage. Some signs to look for include mud tubes on the foundation walls and sagging doors or windows. 

Use a dehumidifier to reduce the moisture in your basement or crawl space. 

Inspect for termitesin trees near house, stumps, and logs near your property. If you find them, contact an exterminator right away. 

These tips can help you keep your home and business safe this termite season in Boise. In addition, some excellent pest control solutions are available if termites have invaded your property. These include:

Locate and identify termites: Boise has some common types of termites, so it is essential to know which kind of termite your property has. Subterranean, drywood, and damp wood termites are all common in Boise. Subterranean termites are the most damaging and often require professional help to locate and eliminate them.

Use baiting and trapping methods: Baits are used to eliminate entire colonies, while traps are used to capture individual insects. 

Inject termiticides: Special chemicals are injected into the soil to create a barrier between the termites and your building. Ensure that you follow the instructions carefully and use these chemicals safely. 

In severe cases, fumigation may be necessary: This method involves sealing off a room or area and using a gas to eliminate the colony. A professional termite exterminator in Boise can help you determine the best way to control termites on your property. 

Termite season may be here, but by following these tips from local pest control experts and reaching out for professional help when necessary, you can protect yourself from unwelcome guests this summer.

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