Giblink??? NO - Sorry I Quit!!!  MySEOShop??? Definitely!!!  Read Why...


Truth? Ok Here's The Truth...I'm going to dominate the search engine for Giblink to tell people -
Don't waste your time - Follow me and SEO Expert Mark Genovese and let us show you how to really make money and build yourself a real home based business. You don't have to know anything about SEO,
search engine optimization - If I can do this - You Can Too!

I joined Giblink early on and knew that it being a new program would take time to work out the kinks -
September 2006 early on in Pre-launch when it was one line and called earning money with pods which was totally over everyone's heads.  Well waiting on my money became a long drawn out thing and I didn't receive what I expected and many never received any income after high expectations, yeap another let down for many.  So a little later,  here comes the new plan - yearly membership where I paid $600 and the revenue share at the time was $3.56 per share. Of course they proclaimed revenue shares would increase, guess what? NOPE! It went down month after month... Soon after came another addition something to do with shopping which if I wanted to buy coupons I'd buy it from the schools and not a monthly charge so I didn't join that - I use MyPowerMall where I can shop and buy what I want and make money giving away free PowerMalls.

Well Now they've come out with another payplan, spiced up the site.  When I went to check my pay this month which has gotten slower to be paid every month I am totally discouraged that the shares were $3.56 and now they apparently are using some sort of points system...Needless to say the income I receive had dwindled to NOT Much, what happened to the shares?  Actually I have mainly FREE Members now who of course won't upgrade and the paid members I did have dropped out like flies with the steeply over $50 per month with no real product...What a social networking site, blogs and of course the domains and hosting which are way over priced in my opinion for the poor quality...

What am I telling you here? Build yourself! I haven't ever attempted to seek search engine positions with Giblink until now.  I am proving to members of Giblink and anyone who is smart enough to check out testimonials before joining that if your going to do anything on the internet leave the hype behind - All these programs where you constantly have to sell junk with drop out rates and going no where, usually never covering your monthly payments.

Yes I liked it and gave it a real chance although month after month of watching the income decline and not seeing the free members upgrade and the company constantly changing the structure told me to get out while the getting is good.

I luckily found my connection who taught me how to change course and finally be successful building yourself in search engines and not promoting the company store. So I've decided to keep this page for the name Giblink to forewarn others AND If you want to make money on the internet get a real product!

When someone ask what it is you do on the internet you can proudly explain and they will understand and perhaps even want to purchase from you...

I sell SeaAloe - The health benefits with this product is Awesome - and I also sell the affiliate for mySEOshop because I am good friends like I said above with an SEO Expert who has showed me how to do this...It is the first of its kind self serve optimizer affiliate program.

Watch the searches for Giblink - Gibline - Gibsales - I plan to dominate them like I do - Alabama Internet Income, SeaAloe Alabama, I'm first page search usually on home business networking, SeaAloe, Sea Aloe, mySEOshop, SEO Alabama, and I'm going for the big ones...This takes a little time but not as long as you think - actually its a piece of cake - Let Me Show You How To Finally Quit Your Day Job!!!

Earn CASH Easy Affiliate Program Join Free

Make your website work in Google, MSN & Yahoo Self Serve SEO Do It Your Way!

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