Hey folks! 
I just wanted to give you more updates on my transgression to the 'new and improved world'.  MAN it is just purely awesome!  The more I go day by day, the more blessings I find...and receive! (And am truly GRATEFUL FOR)
I can't sit here and explain them all...because it is happening every second...and I am just excepting it all, and taking it all in!  AND LOVING IT!
As I have told you guys, I am replacing all that is negative with all that is positive.  It has been a hard transition ...and will be one until I leave this physical form.  But, when I heard that life is a game.....I TOTALLY believe it now.  And what a fun game it is! 

Today, I received a call....I had won a trip to Daytona Beach Florida!!!
  Well, they went through their spill...and wanted a credit card number (well HELLO..I thought I WON the trip). 
So with out arguments...I gave them one. 
They came back and told me the card was declined. 
I told them I didn't know why....I have plenty of money.  'I am a Vice President of a Company' I affirmed to them very politely (and btw...I am physically right now..part of my manifestations coming true). 
Well, they ran the card a couple of times and said 'Well there can't be any money in there because it keeps declining it'.  I said, 'well...I don't know what the deal is, but I guess it just isn't meant to be right now'.
I FELT AWESOME when I got off the phone.  Not ONE time did I say that I did not have the money...nor did I believe that.  And nor did I 'lie' to them.  This is my reality and what I have is because of my thoughts from the past.  God is definitely taking care of me, and giving me what I am asking for....but on his own time, and I accept that!  I just don't accept that is how I am living right now.  I do know that things are happening and I am living my reality that I created before...but now that I KNOW who I am and what I have (even if the physical realm is trying to tell me differently).....SAYING AND BELIEVING I HAVE IS MAKING THINGS MANIFEST.  That is the TRUTH!  I have OFFICIALLY BURIED I CAN'T, I DON'T, AND I WON'T!!!!! 

And it is happening!   WOooooooooo Hooooooooo!

Much Love,
Jennifer Sasser

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