Massive exposure is a must in online business. Too many would be successful entrepreneur’s and home based business owners focus on the age old saying “quality before quantity.” This does not hold true in the home based business industry. When dealing with online marketing and advertising, QUANTITY comes before QUALITY.

Let me give you an example. You go to a lead source with the intent on buying leads, and are given a choice. You can order 20 highly targeted surveyed phone verified leads for $30, or you can order 15,000 30 day old auto responder leads for $30. On the surface the 20 highly targeted leads seems to be a better deal. Because you got 20 people who appear to already be waiting to buy, and they are just waiting for your phone call or email.

In online business this simply isn’t true. The fact of the matter is each of these lead lists have been sold and resold countless times. It doesn’t matter who your lead provider is, chances are the list of leads you ordered have been sold at least 5 or 6 times.

Some companies will claim that this isn’t the case with their particular brand of leads, that they only sell their lists two or three times to separate companies, and this may be true. ‘THEY’ might not have resold the lists multiple times, but the provider they used did for sure. And for this reason alone, quantity is more important then quality when dealing with these types of contacts.

A $3, 10 question phone verified surveyed lead will perform just as well as a 3 cent auto responder bulk lead under these circumstances, and the results will only become evident by using a massive amount of contacts and playing the numbers game.

Your goal in this industry should always be mass exposure. Trying to get the most promotional bang for your buck to a targeted audience. Any advertising means you decide to use, whether its purchasing bulk leads or paying for PPC advertising, you want your product to be put in front of a targeted audience. So make sure any leads you buy, and any PPC provider you choose to take advantage of, helps you in terms of MASS EXPOSURE.

Most successful online marketers will use a wide range of mass exposure tools. Including email, traffic exchanges, PPC, Podcasting, articles etc. Anything that will bring the MOST traffic to their websites. Not necessarily the MOST targeted.

Now don’t get me wrong, targeted traffic is great. But getting guaranteed targeted traffic can be both time consuming and expensive. At the end of the day with highly targeted traffic you could see a conversion improvement of only .5% - 1%, for a price increase of a couple thousand dollars. So unless you have huge investment capital, going for the ’highly targeted’ variety of traffic isn’t always worth it.

What about PPC (pay per click) traffic vs. Traffic Exchange traffic for home based business?

In all honestly I believe traffic exchange traffic is superior to PPC traffic when you utilize the PPC’s correctly for a number of reasons. First and foremost traffic exchange traffic is free, you can direct thousands of targeted hits to your website daily at NO cost. If you were using a PPC, the cost can be astronomical. Lead capture on the traffic exchanges is highly effective, you can pretty much count on 1 opt-in for every 700 visitors you send to your site. In a PPC, the same could hold true, but you are paying anywhere from .5 cents to 25 cents per visitor, sometimes even more. Which can make PPC advertising impractical.

PPC advertising doesn’t fulfill the requirement of ‘mass exposure’, again your sacrificing quantity for quality and that idea never works very well online. Can a good inexpensive PPC campaign help your business? Sure. But it should be one tool in your arsenal, and a minor tool. If you plan on getting ALL your website sales through PPC advertising, the costs can quickly outweigh the profits. In closing, always go for quantity over quality in online advertising and marketing.

Steven Lanier is an online marketer, and professional list builder. Steven has grown large downlines in several MLM's and is a top affiliate in many companies and opportunities. Visit his website here

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