The number one key to internet marketing is being able to effectively brand yourself. You don’t want people buying products and services from you based solely on the products perceived value. (Though this does need to be taken into consideration) you want people buying from you on your word, and because they trust you. Branding yourself in your business can be one of the most important things you can do.

Many people try to market online. Some do it better then others and use more effective methods, but the truth is you STILL need to create a relationship with the buyer. The fact of the matter is, people only buy from people they like. If they don’t like you, they are not going to invest in anything your trying to sell. No matter how good the product or service may be.

The first step in branding yourself is packaging yourself as a product. People need to buy YOU before they will buy any of products. This can be done with a simple introduction in your emails, maybe sending out a little bit of information about yourself to your list. Adding a personal touch to communications can be huge for you and your business. Simply by adding a short paragraph to a sales letter telling the reader about yourself, with your accomplishments and other details can go a VERY long ways.

The second step is personal communication. Try to contact everyone who you associate with personally. Whether this is with a phone call, a simple letter or a PERSONAL email to that individual. This makes the customer feel ‘special’ as you have taken time out of your day to communicate with them directly. What I usually recommend is a phone call. Call the person up and talk with them, just to get the professional relationship jump started. There are a ton of internet marketers out there, but very few go through the trouble of adding their own personal touch to communications.

The third and final step to branding yourself is following up after the personal communication. Basically you want to stay in contact with these people. Even if your not soft selling, or promoting anything, you want to maintain relationships with everyone who enters your sphere of influence. These people are basically money in the bank for you, and you want to want to make sure you are there when they are ready to buy. Again, people will only buy from people they like, and the more personal communication you can maintain with a potential buyer will go quite a distance in the long run.

Internet Marketing is a lot more then just firing out a bunch of pre-written marketing emails, much of it is based on effective communication and relationship building. If you are able to master this skill you will do very well in this industry. If possible, be creative with how you choose to be personal with your contact lists. Consider adding video and audio to your emails, web pages and blogs. When you send out a personal email to an individual use an audio with their name, talk about things that are specific to that individual. This type of personal touch can go extremely far in online marketing, and can increase your bottom substantially.

Steven Lanier is an online marketer, and professional list builder. Steven has grown large downlines in several MLM's and is a top affiliate in many companies and opportunities. Visit his website here

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