December 27, 2007


New Years Resolutions, What are some of Yours.




The year is coming to an end, for some of us it’s a good thing for others it depends on many things.  We as humans always have a desire to change some of our habits and what a better time to do that, then at the beginning of a New Year.  


Every year we commit ourselves to making changes in our personal life’s, whether it’s losing weight, working out, reading more self improvement books, spending less money with our credit cards.

We program our minds to achieving these goals sometimes they last and most times our weaknesses set in and our goals vanish into thin air. 


 I am going ask a few questions to help our members who decide to make this Years Resolution become real and help them achieve them.


Do you have or do you make New Years Resolutions at the beginning of each New Year?


How do you maintain focus in achieving your goals in the New Year?


Why do set New Years Resolution if you already know that you will never achieve them?


Do you have any tricks that help you stay focus with your New Years Resolution?


What are some of your New Years Resolution this Year do you have any as of yet?


What would you like to really accomplish in 2008?


If you could change one habit of yours that would improve your over all performance what that be?


Do you honestly think you can achieve this goal of yours if you put your mind towards it?

Thank you for taking the time and sharing your thoughts, who knows we might just learn something today and how to apply it to ourselves and improve our out look in 2008.......



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