Computer security researchers at SophosLabsâ„¢ are warning computer users about a widely-spammed out email teaser promising a trailer of the film "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" - and the chance of free tickets if you are in North America or Europe.

Rather than a trailer for the blockbuster movie starring Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom, however, the Troj/Yar-A Trojan horse is attached to the email.

"Of course, there are no tickets," warns Paul Ducklin, Head of Technology, Asia Pacific, at Sophos. "And there is no film trailer - just a malicious program which tries to download further malware from the internet. Remember: if an email sounds too good to be true, then you can safely assume that it isn't true."

Ducklin reminds users that there is an easy solution to the risks posed by unknown or unlikely emails: "Don't try, don't buy, don't click, don't reply!"


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