When a business is in the startup stage, it is obvious that their focus, as well as concentration, is on their product. But it is also true that the same product needs to be promoted and marketed appropriately for it to be a successful brand which involves forming some basic marketing strategies. According to the leading web designing company in India, to market a product the best platform to consider will be the social media because of its growing popularity as a single point contact to reach the masses. 
What is social media marketing?
Social media marketing is the type of marketing of your product on the World Wide Web with the help of various social media networks in order to promote the product through communications like videos to increase brand recognition and collect leads. Businesses usually hire marketing companies which provide the best social media marketing packages in India for the marketing of the product.
But it has been seen in the case of upcoming businesses that they tend to take the leap of faith in the social media circuit to market their product without knowing what they want out of it. It’s like everybody is doing it then we must too. Hence, they fall back because of lack of proper strategy and taste failure.
Here, we would talk about the 3 main and powerful strategies that should have the complete concentration of a business for marketing of their product on the social networking sites:
1. Content rules:
The social media networking sites are based on the sole idea of content viewership since its birth. Without content, there is no identity of any social media platform. As an upcoming business, your main focus should be on the content which is qualitative and represents your product, brand, and company. The idea is to attract the viewers and not bore them. Engaging and easy to understand content is what will give you your followers. Once you have 1000 followers favoring your brand consider yourself starting up on the path of success.
2. Content frequency:
This depends on the product being sold by your business. If you are selling a product which has an everyday use the frequency of the appearance your content would increase whereas if your product is used seasonally or only on certain occasions then its frequency of appearance would be accordingly. Also, it depends upon the area in which your target audience is. For e.g. your target audience is basically from India then the time slot for your content has to be chosen accordingly and if your target audience is, say more from the U.K then your time slots for airing the content would change.
3. Communication:
Communicating with your viewers and is very important as this is what will give you the feedback which will state whether your brand and product is a success or a failure. Always take the time to answer your viewer’s queries and be thankful for their appreciations. Also, take their criticism in stride as only then you will be aware of areas for improvements. 
Use of social media to promote their products gives a much-needed boost to startup companies.

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