Every morning, for this past year, Flo (our fantastic Mutt) & I walk approximately 5 miles back & forth through the Almond and Walnut Orchards behind our Ranch.

The walk was prompted by my coronary and has become an hour + of the most enjoyable part of my day.

Flo gets to chase the Wild Turkeys, Jackrabbits, stare down the Fox, and watch the Deer. I think she walks-runs 10 miles.

The most fascinating thing in the past few months has been watching a freshly planted (February) Walnut Orchard blossom from a field of white painted "sticks" to a 20 acre stand of stately Walnut trees, some 13 feet tall!! ( they are Now in Second Year & will be 20' Tall by Fall)

These trees are nurtured daily, constantly tied and pruned during their first year.
However the real reason for their explosive growth was the preparation of the planting environment.

The ground was ripped deep for drainage, holes were dug 4 feet x 4 feet, backfilled with amendments and then the Twigs (walnut stock cuttings) were placed in the well worked ground.

A small hole dug in un-worked and unamended ground would not have yielded the size of tree we are staring at today.


The opportunities offered today in the Networking Marketing and Home-based Business world are staggering. Most companies are ethical and offer fine products, reasonable compensation plans and are usually well managed.

Why is it then, the attrition rate is so high?

No one addresses the preparation stage of starting the business. Everyone wants to "get going now" and make a million overnight.

The only reason the Walnut Trees are doing so well, is that the farmer spent time and money, preparing the soil and is spending a bundle in the early stages to keep those tress growing properly , even tiough there won't be any income for several years.

Want to grow a Solid Business?

Take heed from my successful Neighbor.

1. Choose the Company and Product well. (get quality Root Stock)

2. Be willing to invest in books, tapes and aligning yourself with quality training (Prepare you ground and plan)

3. Have a written plan and be prepared to work daily in the beginning to constantly build your foundation of quality recruits. ( constantly prune, tie and Fertilize the tree during the first year)

Shirley & I consider ourselves fortunate to have found the right Product and Company,
(good Root Stock) but more importantly, we understood the necessity of planning our work and working our plan. We invested wisely in learning aids and developed strong Master Mind Alliances with proven producers.

If anyone is intersted in knowing more about our dynamic Marketing company, give us a call: 530-419-0321(leave your name & phone number or e-mail)
or e-mail:

E-mail Us

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