Explore your inner-self

The actual psychological personality of a person is referred to as the ‘self’ of a person. Each one of us has a hidden self within us, but we are not aware of it. A human being thinks that it is his consciousness that lead his actions. Actually, our inner self guides our behavior in our day-to-d...

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Gaining Self Confidence To Succeed In Anything

Where does self confidence come from? How do we get it? Why don’t I have it? The answer to all of these questions can be answered with one word – you! Self confidence starts with you, your perception of yourself, and what other people think about your actions or behavior.For some of us, a lack o...

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Boost Your Self-Esteem and Believe You Can

The strongest single factor in prosperity consciousness is self-esteem: believing you can do it, believing you deserve it, believing you will get it.- Jerry GilliesSelf-esteem refers to how you think and feel about yourself. These are thoughts and feelings a person may have, may it be positive, nega...

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How To Fire Up Your Inner Drive

It happens to all of us. One day, we just wake up lacking the energy to do anything. Not wanting to go out of bed, not wanting to stay in it either.  That's normal. That's the stuff of life, so to speak. What is not normal though is getting entangled with lack of energy, lack of drive,...

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Dissolving Your Limiting Money Beliefs Poverty or Prosperity Consciousness? You Decide!

Hey Readers, Have you ever wondered what’s really holding you back from making the money you know you deserve? If you've ever felt like there may be something that's been blocking you from achieving the income you desire, you're in luck! My good friend & Personal Growth Guru N...

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Details About Women With Hair Loss Problems

It is a clear fact that advertisements for hair loss in men and balding cannot be forgotten. Though, you may believe from advertisements that hair problems are for men only. Research has made it clear that two-thirds of women also experience hair loss problems as well. The good news is that loss in ...

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Your Inner World Determines Your Outer World

Your life, your success, your happiness, your fulfillment in life is all determined by your inner world.What do I mean by this?Let me explain it this way. How you think and feel about what is going on around you, determines your life. How you act or react to certain situations determines your succe...

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MMB60 is MMB 60 right for you?

There are certainly choices online for your health, wealth, and mind. Why should you choose The MMB60 Program?It's simple: Proven Results. Our members have used our program, performance coaching, marketing systems, lead generation strategies, and affiliate opportunity to achieve remarkable resu...

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Time It's A Funny Old Thing

Time is a funny thing, think of the things people say about it. "I haven't got time.""I ran out of of time""I'll do it if I have time."I have my opinion on these type of comments. I'll probably come back to them later and tell you what I think.The Strange thing (and beautiful thing) about time is th...

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The One Habit That is Stopping You Seeing the Success That You Want

The habit that is dangerous and will stop you reaching the goal you want is this...Watching too much tv.How many hours do you spend in front of the tv a night.2,3,4?Imagine what you could be doing with those hours.Reading, listening to audio and watching training videos."Poor people have big tv's, r...

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Never In Your Wildest Dreams Book, Bonuses + 20k In Prizes (WOW!)

Hey Readers, Do you ever feel a sneaking suspicion that you aren’t quite living life to your fullest potential? That there’s an important, untapped part of yourself waiting to be expressed Junbug, wonderful exciting possibilities that you have yet to explore! And new levels of ...

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Book Review The Charge by Brendon Burchard

Brendon Burchard is an author, speaker and coach. His most recent book is called The Charge. It's the only book that I have finished and turned back to the front to start reading again.What is the Charge About?The Charge is about releasing your potential, it is a book about releasing your greatness ...

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Creating goals and setting an intention

If you want to do anything in life, if you want any form of success in life, in your career, in your business, you have to set goals and intentions.Success in any area of life doesn't happen through chance. If it did, there would be more people who are successful,.There would be more thin people, mo...

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The Best Tool for Self-Improvement

I am an avid reader of self-improvement books.Most people in the online marketing world know the self-help classics:Think and grow richAwaken the giant withinThe magic of thinking bigHow to make friends and influence peopleto name but a few.If you're like me, you've read them all, and you still wond...

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Sticky Notes

These neat, thrifty and obviously sticky notes can help. If you want to stay productive and save yourself from unnecessary thoughts plus take advantage of sheer computing power (just kidding), sticky notes are just what the desktop ordered.Sometimes, a tiny little note can save you...resume you...

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Nobody is hiring me... Why?

Despite the many interviews you succeeded in getting, you do not get any job offer. How to find out what went wrong? Fight the attitude of defeat! Even disappointed, job seekers must remain proactive. Here's how to get there. EVALUATE YOUR TARGET Make a self-assessmen...

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How to prepare for an interview

PREPARING FOR A JOB INTERVIEW CAN BE A FUN EXPERIENCE. ITS UP TO YOU TO BE AUTHENTIC AND SINCERE. Your working profile is clear. The job in question is there, your CV and your strategic illuminating letter had the desired effect. Result: an invitation for an interview. Make it so th...

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Ten Vital Keys to Life Success.

Here's a very brief overview of the 10 Keys that can take you to the next level in life: (cont'd)2) Charge your Body and Language: The way we move our body and the language we use have a powerful effect on our feelings and emotions. Working on particular body movements and specif...

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10 Vital Keys To Life Success

Success may seem elusive at times.We may strive to achieve goals, read inspirational booksand really work hard to make the quality shift we may desire in our lives.When that doesn't work we blame it on luck.However, success has nothing to do with luck.Success is a question of learning the key l...

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You - The Treasure

You are the person you choose to be. So choose to be the person who fulfills and brings to life the values you hold most dearly. Today is your opportunity to express yourself to the world through the life you live and the actions you take. The challenges of this moment provide a rich ca...

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