Why Will Video Advertising Be the Next Big Thing?

Dec 14, 2023

The advertising industry is experiencing a meteoric rise, with projected global ad spending reaching a staggering $936 billion in 2024. This booming landscape, however, presents a significant challenge: capturing the ever-shrinking attention span of consumers. The latest research reveals a stark reality – the average human attention span has dwindled to a mere 8.25 seconds. In this fleeting window, how can advertisers captivate audiences and effectively deliver their message?

Traditional advertising methods, often relied on static imagery and lengthy text, struggle to pierce through the digital landscape and engage viewers effectively. 

Recognizing this challenge, the industry has increasingly turned to video ads, a format uniquely suited to grab attention and hold it for a long time. 

According to research, online videos accounted for 82% of internet traffic. 

For decades, video advertising has held a prestigious position as a master communicator, capable of not only captivating audiences but also forging profound connections with them. The key to this magic lies in harnessing the power of emotion. Ads imbued with high emotional value transcend mere information delivery, resonating with viewers on a deeper level, and leaving a lasting impression that fosters a genuine connection. The impact has been boosted by technological advancements. In 2023, there was a 9% increase in video advertising year over year. 

The rise of video advertising isn't solely fueled by its audience captivation, but also by the distinct advantages it offers advertisers compared to traditional methods. Whereas brands once relied solely on linear TV with its show-level targeting, booking ad slots, and sometimes aligning ads with the program's theme, video ads provide a far more nuanced and targeted approach.

As technology advanced, advertisers got the opportunity to precisely target the audience by analyzing the wealth of data and insights they gained from the video ads. 

Well, that's not the end! In this blog, we will understand why video ads are the next big thing. 

1.  Increased Reach and Engagement

Conventional video advertisements have frequently failed to reach the appropriate demographic and to meet the necessary KPIs. Advertisers may connect, communicate, and engage with the target audience with online video commercials. Choosing this strategy also has the advantage of allowing online video advertisements to be shared. In this sense, a viral advertisement raises both brand value and awareness. 

2. Customization and Personalization

Today's consumers are caught in a paradox: they desire tailored advertisements, but not at the price of their personal information. Advertisers can use contextual targeting, which adds a layer of customization and targets the appropriate audience, to overcome this dilemma. 

By utilizing the user's pre-existing interest, contextual targeting enhances the relevance of the adverts and boosts engagement rates. Eighty percent of customers are more likely to connect with a business that offers individualized marketing, according to a survey. 

3. Analytics and Metrics

Analytics and metrics are crucial instruments for optimization and wise decision-making. Internet video advertisements provide marketers with a multitude of insights, including the ability to gauge viewing, monitor engagement, decipher customer behavior, and much more. Advertisers may use these insights to optimize live campaigns and make data-driven decisions. 


In conclusion, video advertising isn't just a fleeting trend, but a transformative force reshaping the advertising landscape. Its ability to captivate fleeting attention, forge emotional connections, and offer unparalleled targeting and data insights solidifies its position as the next big thing. As technology continues to evolve, video ads will become even more immersive, interactive, and personalized, pushing the boundaries of engagement and driving brand success in the attention-starved digital age.

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