Mar 19, 2019

A trim trail or fitness trail is a path or alley that basically falls under the category of outdoor activity and has a whole trackway made up of obstacles, equipment and other such objects placed at different positions along the course. Limiting to trim trails, it is basically designed for kids, to encourage and promote the importance of physical activities and fitness by making the whole process exciting, playful and interactive. Many schools have adopted trim trails as a part of their playground activities for the kids.

Due to the numerous physical challenges it offers which test the child’s cover footing, core strength and stability and level of motor skills growth and response, it has become a widespread technique which is highly suitable for a child’s playground and has grown to be their favourite in terms of active play. One of the most important features that a trim trail offers which are, unfortunately, ignored by a lot of people is it being one of the most fruitful sources for teaching subject-related topics to the children.

The education system being followed by most of the schools in the country recognizes the fact that outdoor learning is as important as classroom learning and plays an important role in the  l development of the children. The only catch with this is that the teachers need to know how to put these methods and techniques to best use so that it can benefit the child and its knowledge.

The playground of any school is one of the most bewitching features that attracts the children and can be put to effective use to deliver an interactive learning experience to the children. If an effective teaching method is implemented using the playground equipment like Trim Trail for School, along with increasing the quality of learning, the return of investment or ROI of the product also increases.

Following are some ways and methods in which you can use the outdoor play methods to teach subject topics to the children.

1. Mathematics

Mathematics being one of the most tricky subjects can be made fun while on the playground. The teacher can teach things like calculating the amount of time taken to complete the course, how to use a stopwatch, estimating the length of the whole course (introduction of measurement system) etc.

2. Literature

The teacher can teach them proper use of English literature by implementing things like making the children write out their whole experience (sentence framing and grammar), reading the instructions and rules written on the card out aloud (speaking skills), convincing them to write a poem using key words related to trim trail (creative writing) etc.

3. Science

By making use of the outdoor activities, things like property and features of the material (state of matter), telling them about the basic concepts of physics like speed, time, equilibrium, force etc. can be taught to the children.

4. Art

You can ask the children to draw the whole picture of the trail and the playground and inculcate the skill of drawing and art in them.

Apart from the subject related benefits, the trim trail has a lot of other benefits as well that it provides to the overall personality and mental development of the child.

The Growth of Basic Movement Skills

The foundation bricks to a child’s development are its movement and skills related to it. This itself very clearly explains the importance it holds. The components composing a Trim Trail for School like wall climbing, rope bridge, etc are perfect for channeling and improving the child’s concentration and attention on the different type of movement patterns required by different components of the trim trail.

Boosted Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

Presenting different challenges to the kids according to their age and suited difficulty level enhances their self confidence and willpower. The trim trail makes the child push his limit to accomplish the task that he is faced with and on completion, gives him a boost of happiness and confidence which is a very important part of one’s personality.

Enhanced Dimensional Recognition and Reflex

Involving a child in an outdoor activity like trim trail helps him discover and become more aware of his own body and the activities in the nearby surroundings.

Swells the Stamina and Fitness Levels

It is an obvious fact that any outdoor activity improves the fitness level of the child and enhances its endurance and stamina. Being physically activity is very important to have a healthy immune system and a hearty mind.

Playground gears hold tremendous learning opportunities for the children if used in the right manner. Being physically active and fit is just one of the many benefits a trim trail provides. You can even enhance the child’s creative, social and imaginative skills by putting trim trail to the right use. Spoil your children for choice by choosing from the feature loaded range of Trim Trails for School at Premier Play and make their playground experience the most beneficial and fruitful one.

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