Why do Families Love Cute Ragdoll Kittens?

Posted by OMG Cattery
Aug 20, 2022

Summary: Ragdoll kitten can become your pet if you are looking for one. Bring home a cat as it makes a better pet.

Cute Ragdoll kittens are loveable cats and for this reason, they are a hot favorite of families with kids. It is one of the few cat breeds that know how to play with children. If you want to buy a pet for your kids then you should bring home a cat that will be a friend of your kids.

Reasons for bringing home a Ragdoll

1. Child-friendly

You won’t allow your children to play with a muscular dog because kids can’t control dogs. But a cat is easier to handle. And your kids will love playing with a Ragdoll because this cat knows how to play with children. For example, the cat won’t draw its claws while playing with kids. A cat knows that its claws could harm others.

2. Playful nature

According to Ragdoll breeders, this breed of cat is quite playful. For example, this cat can be trained to do funny things like rolling over and taking long and high jumps. Your kids can try to train the pet while playing with it. The pet will follow their commands and try to act as demanded. Your kids will have a great time playing with the cat.

3. Peace-loving

Cats love peace and for this reason, they don’t make noise. Your cat will only utter ‘meow’ whenever she wants to draw your attention. Also, she will come to you only when you call her or take her in your hands. If the cat needs your attention, it will simply lounge around you. In other words, it will never disturb you to get your attention.

4. Discipline

While dogs can be trained to follow strict discipline, cats can be called disciplined animals. It is so because they never make a mess. For example, if you are out for a full day, your cat won’t make a mess at home. On the contrary, it will peacefully wait for you to return and pamper her. It is how cute Ragdoll kittens behave with families.

5. Indoor living

With a cat as your pet, you will never have to worry about your kids taking the pet out for walking or running after it. The cat will remain within the confines of your home and play inside. It won’t show eagerness to go out. But this peace of mind isn’t available with dogs that need to be taken outside for walking at least twice a day.

Final Thoughts

Ragdoll breeders offer this breed to families with kids. They suggest buying kittens that families can raise as their members. It is a beautiful cat that will become your family member as soon as you bring it home. Also, you will be proud of your pet.
Comments (1)
Nandkishore Deopersad


Yes, Ragdoll breeders offer this breed to families with kids.

Aug 20, 2022 Like it
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