Which SEO Techniques Should Be Avoided

Posted by Catalina Borges
Sep 8, 2023

If you are wondering which SEO techniques should be avoided to prevent your website from getting penalized, this is the right place to be!

If search engine optimization (SEO) is something you’ve considered, you’ve probably already heard about the best SEO tactics and the ones to avoid. Today, we’ll discuss the unethical SEO strategies some webmasters employ to boost their sites’ positions in search engine results pages.

Remember that you’ll be in a sticky situation if you adopt these procedures. Certain web pages may potentially be removed from Google’s index altogether. Let’s go right in and examine the worst SEO techniques that should be avoided. We update this frequently with the latest methods that could be used against you.

Google may take manual action against sites that use the strategies outlined here.

SEO Techniques Should Be Avoided

1. SEO Cloaking

With this method, companies can trick search engines into seeing different material than what their customers see in their browsers. Search engines often receive premium content while providing inferior results to users.

This approach is worse since it prioritizes rankings over user satisfaction. Your rankings will plummet as soon as Google finds out you’ve been cloaking.

2. Keyword Stuffing: SEO Technique Should Be Avoided

One of the oldest forms of spamming search engine results with keywords is still widespread today. Forcing keywords into the body of a web page in this way can fool search engine crawlers into giving the page a higher ranking.

Also, Read   How to Speed Up SEO by Improving WordPress Site?

Keyword stuffing is discouraged since it negatively affects the user experience. Avoid using more than 1.5% of your total words as keywords.

3. Spamming Comments

Auto-generated spam comments are a widespread problem today. While at first glance this may seem like a smart concept, it ultimately leads to a poor user experience and leaves a poor impression on the reader.

Keep in mind that today’s typical Internet user understands the concept of spam well. You should reconsider your strategy if you’re thinking about posting spam comments. Remember that search engines will eventually figure out your scheme as well.

4. Negative SEO

Nowadays, many companies use negative SEO techniques to rank. When one engages in negative SEO, they use dishonest methods to lower the search engine rankings of their competitors. Examples of harmful SEO practices include:

  • Using false social media profiles and damaging one’s online reputation

  • Website hacking

  • Placing a bunch of irrelevant links on your site and many more

Although your rankings will improve when your competitors’ rankings drop, you will suffer the consequences if Google finds out (and it will).

5. Invisible Keywords: SEO Technique To Be Avoided

The practice of concealing keywords is not unusual in the SEO agenda. Just how does it function?

You can either use CSS to hide the text or use a white backdrop and text color. This strategy was effective when search engines were less sophisticated, but it is useless now. Currently, search engines can see all keywords, even those hidden from human eyes. This method should be avoided unless you wish to face the consequences.

For more information, you can read the original blog of Notion Technologies.

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