What happens if nephrotic syndrome remains untreated?

Posted by Vaibhav Goyal
Jul 31, 2019

Nephrotic syndrome is a disorder that causes your body to excrete too much protein in your urine that may result in many health-related issues. Nephrotic syndrome is caused when chronic disease attacks small blood vessels present inside your kidneys.

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disorder in which an abnormal amount of protein leaks from the body that may result in many severe health-related issues like weakness, fatigue, and vomiting. There are small blood-vessels present inside our kidneys that may work as a filter and are known as nephrons. Nephrons filter waste products and excess fluids from the blood and then your kidneys send waste products in the bladder for further process. Usually, indicators of nephrotic syndrome are not visible, but some symptoms are there and are not specified to the kidney disease. Nephrotic syndrome causes swelling particularly in your feet and ankles due to fluid retention in your body, which increases the risk of other health-related issues. This disease can be easily treated with the help of nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic medicine.

Causes of nephrotic syndrome

It is usually caused by the damage of small blood vessels present in your kidneys by chronic disease. When these small blood vessels get damaged too much leads your kidney to leak a heavy amount of protein in your body. Many possible causes are as follows:

  • Diabetes – It can lead to kidney damage that affects the small blood vessels present inside your body.
  • Minimal change disease – This disease is the most common cause of nephropathic syndrome in children. Minimal change disease results in abnormal kidney function but after the examination of kidney tissue under a microscope, it looks like the normal or the nearly normal condition of the kidney.
  • Membranous nephropathy – This is a disorder in which membranes within glomeruli got thick by some unknown causes, but sometimes it is associated with some serious medical conditions such as hepatitis B, malaria, lupus, and cancer.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus – This inflammatory disease can lead to serious renal damage.
  • Amyloidosis – Amyloid is an abnormal protein that is usually generated in your bone marrow and can be deposited in any tissue or organ of your body.
  • Blood clot – Blood clotting near your kidneys or in a kidney vein which blocks veins connected to your kidneys can cause nephrotic syndrome.

Above- mentioned are some of the major causes of nephrotic syndrome. With the help of Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic medicines, you can easily overcome the causes of this disease.

Symptoms of kidney disease

Signs of nephrotic syndrome are not specified to kidney disease, but the presence of one or two signs in your body indicates the appearance of kidney disease in your body. Some of the common symptoms areas follows:

  • Severe swelling – Severe swelling can be caused due to fluid retention in your body.
  • The problem in urine – Foamy urine is caused by the leakage of an abnormal amount of excess protein in your urine.
  • Sudden weight gain – Weight gain due to excess fluid retention in your body, may cause other health-related issues.
  • Fatigue – If you are feeling a little lazy or feeling tired all the time that may cause because of the occurrence of chronic kidney disease.
  • Loss of appetite – If you are not feeling hungry or feeling a heavy stomach all the time, then go for a kidney function test or consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Symptoms of kidney disease develop over some time; most probably it occurs in the later stages of kidney disease. If these diseases are not treated in initial stages it may lead to kidney failure or ESRD.

What happens if nephrotic syndrome is not treated?

If nephrotic syndrome is not treated, it may lead to several complications that can affect your health. Complications of nephrotic syndrome include:

  • Anemia
  • Heart disease or heart attack
  • High blood pressure or hypertension
  • The fluid buildup that may lead to swelling in your body
  • Acute kidney injury
  • Kidney failure /ESRD

So it’s better to treat your kidney disease as soon as possible, for that reach to your doctor with all lab test reports.

Treatment of the nephrotic syndrome

Treatment for nephrotic syndrome involves, treating causes and symptoms of nephrotic syndrome. Your doctors may advise you to take medications that can help you in controlling signs of kidney disease. If nephrotic syndrome goes untreated, it may lead to end-stage renal disease or kidney failure. In that condition mostly doctors recommend dialysis or kidney transplant for the treatment of ESRD, but these treatments may involve a heavy risk of life. If you want to treat your kidney without dialysis and kidney transplant then always opt for the Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment.

Ayurveda has been practiced in India from an ancient time and now widely accepted as a natural healing process. Ayurveda is the oldest healing process in the world that has cured millions of chronic disease patients with the highest success rates. Ayurveda uses natural herbs for the treatment for the chronic disease that are very effective in the treatment. Ayurveda does not just heal you from the disease; it also manages a healthy balance between minds, body, and soul.

Karma Ayurveda is the leading kidney health care foundation that uses nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic medicines; these medicines don’t have any side-effect of the body. Here, you are going to get proper medications for the nephrotic syndrome, which may help you to overcome the symptoms and causes of kidney disease. Dr. Puneet Dhawan is running this kidney health care foundation to cure kidney disease or kidney failure without dialysis or kidney transplant. With the Karma Ayurveda, more than 35000 kidney patients have been cured and still, some kidney patients are undergoing in the Ayurvedic treatment. If you want Nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment, then always feel free to contact us, we are always happy to treat you.

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