What are the Benefits of Investing in Commercial Property in Australia?

Posted by Ranjan Khatak
Sep 11, 2021

There are various investment options in Australia, such as lands, bonds, shares, and real estate. Among all, many borrowers choose to invest in Commercial property. So, while preparing to start a business, it's important that you've got the right commercial property for your needs.  

Commercial Property Mortgage  

The commercial property consists of office buildings, retail stores, hospitals, industrial warehouses and is generally considered as higher risk in comparison to residential property. The major difference between these two types of properties is that residential is used for homes, and commercial properties are used for business purposes.   

A commercial mortgage can be used for business premises, but it's not just limited to that. A Commercial Property Mortgage is also a great way to make home improvements or invest in rental property! Commercial mortgages are versatile investments with many uses. They're perfect if a borrower wants the security of fixed monthly payments.  

A commercial real estate mortgage is vulnerable to economic shocks due to which it is considered as higher-risk investment, but it generally offers greater returns to the borrower. Moreover, when the economy is strong, commercial real estate grows its value and provides a steady income to the borrower.  

Key Benefits of Commercial Property   

  • Low-interest rates: Commercial mortgages usually have lower interest rates than other unsecured borrowings, which means borrowers can save money in the long term. Choosing to have fixed monthly repayments allows for accurate financial planning and forecasting, enabling business owners more certainty about their finances.  
  • Income stability: An essential point to consider about Commercial property is that it provides higher returns and is more secure. Unlike residential property's short-term leases, commercial property often ranges from 3 to 10 years.  
  • Smaller Investments Availability: Owning a property is often seen as every Australian dream. However, most residential properties are large and pricey, which can be prohibitive for many people to purchase one of their own without taking a commercial property loan. The other option is investing in smaller commercial real estate, which typically comes with lower risks like shorter time frames and fewer capital requirements.  
  • Strong Capital Growth: Commercial Property is a reliable and strong investment as it provides income from rent, which individuals can rely on for their living expenses and capital growth. This means that over time the property will increase in value consistently above inflation, so by investing now, you'll be able to sell at an increased price later!  
  • Higher Rental Yields: Although commercial real estate is considered a higher risk, it offers higher rental returns with 5% to 12% yields. In contrast, residential property offers 3% to 5%; commercial properties ensure steady cash flow.  

The Role of Home Loan Broker while Buying Commercial Property  

When it comes to purchasing a commercial property, there are plenty of reasons to use a Home Loan Broker. In Australia, the Home Loan Broker in Sydney has valuable experience providing mortgages from a significant lender as per the borrower's financial needs. The brokers are very well aware of the bank and lender's criteria that help borrowers prepare their commercial property mortgage applications.  

If you're willing to buy a commercial property in Balmain, Australia, then contact Rohit Khatak, a trusted Home Loan Broker in Balmain. He will help to make the commercial property lending process much easier by understanding borrower's needs.   

Your Finance Adviser is a leading finance advising company that has assisted many Australians in obtaining their dream of owning property in Australia. It has a team of some of the most experienced and well-respected professionals in the industry, which help to find the perfect commercial loan to suit their needs and budget. To see what the experts can offer, visit us online today! 


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