Weight Loss & Moringa Leaf Powder

Posted by Mack Jackson
Jan 26, 2018
Nutlike seeds, roots that look like horseradish, and leaves are the edible parts of the Moringa tree that can be consumed fresh/supplemental form. The leaves are considered as a vital source of nutrients & antioxidants. They're quite low in calories, and they're great for a low-carb diet, though it's not known how much they actually help with weight loss. More importantly, you shouldn’t consume more than is advised on the label because high doses can cause side effects. Be sure to talk to your doctor before using supplements if you have any health concerns or take prescription medications.

Moringa Leaves have fibers for Weight Loss

Fiber is essential for your health -- and you'll get some from Moringa leaves -- but the amount you'll get varies depending on the product. Insoluble fiber restricts constipation, while soluble fiber reduces cholesterol and feeds the good microbes in your gut. It's also your friend when you want to lose weight. As fiber absorbs water, it bulks up a bit, making it easier to stop eating because you feel full.  It slows down food absorption, which stops the rise in blood sugar. You need to keep blood sugar balanced if you want to burn the fat.

When blood sugar level rises, insulin enters the bloodstream. If there’s more sugar than required for energy, insulin delivers it to the liver, where a part of it is stored as glycogen, then the left over is turned into fat. In other words, when your blood sugar rises, you’re more likely to store fat than burn it.

1 cup of fresh Moringa powder for weight loss has 2 % of the daily value of fiber, based on consuming 2,000 calories/day. To make supplemental powder, whole leaves are dried and ground into powder, so the powder contains the natural fiber.

When you buy Moringa leaf supplements, search for brands that has the amount of nutrients value on the label. A few products don’t provide that information, so you are not aware how much fiber, protein or other nutrients you’ll consume per dose.

Chlorogenic Acid Supports Weight Loss

Chlorogenic acid would theoretically help weight loss by maintaining a balance in blood sugar and by acting as a fat burner. Lab mice when fed with the same acid, they lost weight and burned more fat in comparison with those animals that didn’t get the antioxidant, reported Food and Chemical Toxicology in March 2010.
The irony is inspite of these potential benefits existing in  Moringa leaf powder they haven’t been tested much to verify if they are actually lead to weight loss in humans in real. And even if chlorogenic acid proved to be a very efficient weight-loss option, the amount in Moringa supplements may not be good enough to have an impact. Chances are you won’t see it reported on the label. Knowing the correct quantity in the supplement is crucial since the chlorogenic acid content found in the leaves will vary depending on growing conditions and how they were processed after being dried.

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