Various Types of Phase Shifter Circuit Services: An Understanding
You must have heard the term ‘Phase Shifter’ but being a technical term, many of you must be not aware of it. In this article we will discuss about phase shifter circuit and its types. Phase shift signifies the quantity by which a wave is shifted parallel from the original wave whereas phase shifters are used to transform the waves of a network. These are microwave network which offers a convenient phase shift of the RF signal.
Many companies offering RF phase shifter circuit services use passive reciprocal networks. Now to understand passive or other networks, you need to go through the types of phase shifters which are classified as under:
Active vs. Passive Phase Shifters: Active phase shifter helps in removing an amplifier stage by and makes it potential to work against the loss of the phase shift elements. The active phase shifters are non- reciprocal and amplifies while phase shifting. On the contrary, Passive phase shifters attenuate while phase shifting and are reciprocal. As passive phase shifters are reciprocal, so they work well on signals passing on different directions. Moreover, these are more versatile as compared to active shifters as these require smaller amount of SPDT switches to route the signals through the phase shifter.
Analog vs. Digital Phase Shifters: Analog phase shifters are controlled by a voltage and hence offer a continuous variable phase. These are either mechanically or electronically controlled. On the other hand, Digital Phase Shifters offers a distinct set of phase states which are controlled by two-state “phase bits” as well as are more immune to sound on their current control line. As the order bit of 360 degree in digital phase shifters is divided into smaller binary steps, so the highest order bit is of 180 degree, then 90 degree and then of 45 degree. A phase shifter with 45 degree Least Significant Bits (LSB) would be a three bit shifter. Similarly, a six bit shifter will have 5.6 degree LSB.
After understanding the types of phase shifters, it becomes clearer to analyze the need for the development of active/ passive components and applications. After analyzing your need, you can contact any well-known microwave phase shifter company for such products. There are various manufacturing companies specialized in production of phase shifter components among which you can choose the one that fits your requirements. You can search for these companies while typing a related keyword in any popular search engine and the best results will be displayed in front of you.
Author bio: The Author is an experienced writer with a domain expertise in writing on electronic products. Here she shares her views on Microwave Phase Shifter Company and its products.
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