UPTET 2016 Results by Basic Education Board Uttar Pradesh

Paper I is for main teachers of sophistication 1 to category 8 and Paper II is for higher main teachers of sophistication 6 to 8. This test is carried out by both main govt and local govt. Lately, UPTET 2016 notice is launched, most of the hunters had used for this publish and right now all are patiently waiting for UPTET Results 2016.
UPTET Result 2016 will be released soon. UPTET Merit List for the paper I &II are on the official site upbasiceduboard.gov.in. Uttar Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test is well known as UP TET, which is conducted every year to hire eligible teachers in the Uttar Pradesh state.
As per current available information, the UPTET 2016 Result for February examination will be uploaded online on March 27, 2016. The result is going to be uploaded by Basic Education Board of Uttar Pradesh State.
The answer keys for UPTET February 2016 exam were uploaded within one week of its conduction. For the whole state, exam was conducted on Feb 2, 2016. The result are still awaited for this exam wheras the finalized uptet answer keys have been uploaded at the official website.