Travelling Kit for Polluted Cities

Posted by Ashish Agarwal
Mar 20, 2018

Travelling is something which can be professional, for leisure or for passion. It can be often, or once in a blue moon. These days the youth are very passionate what they do , what they choose as a career. There is another career which is swinging in these days, which is travel blogging.

Travel blogging is basically when the person travels to a place and promotes the local business of that place and in return get sponsored for the trip, to write reviews and videos of the local business or brands. Truly this is a dream job of every youth today as to earn well and satisfy the wanderlust.

But what if a traveler has to travel to the cities where the pollution and population levels both are very high , and the conditions will get worse , if the person is not from such city or place. Its very difficult to cope up to the level of danger and widespread diseases as well whereas the business travelers cannot even break their commitments as well. Like if a person is travelling from a tier 2 city to some metropolitan city then he might be adaptive to the environment and highly dense areas of metros. But the thing is frequent travelers are aware of these risks in their work, so they keep themselves prepared for it and carry the basic amenities in their travel kit . Like, the basic medicines in case if catch some disease due to travelling like nausea, pain, and cold, cough etc. Buy Pollution mask , if they travel to some high polluted cities like delhi when at times when there is heavy smog , then one should e prepared for that as well.

But there is an new addition to the regular travelers kit, which they keep prepared . By seeing the dangerous and hostile pollution levels of different cities, buying Nasal filter and keeping it in their traveller’s kit is Imperative.

Nasal filter is the most eminent and best device and compact as well for the travelers kit. Imagine if you are travelling to the Industrial Areas of some city where the black dense industrial emissions are even visible then how you will attend an important meeting wearing a full face mask? Answer is one should go for the Nasal filter which removes this drawback .

A travel blogger Is going to congested streets of a city to explore the hidden gems, how he will walk around and try to mix up despite being spotted as an Odd one out wearing a pollution mask? Nasal Nose filters is again the answer, its fits into the nose and comes in transperant or skin colour which gels up so well in the skin tone , no one can point out and with this it overcomes another drawback.

A food blogger is having some city delicacies but tries to avoid the pollution levels around? Then this situation can also be solved with this small instrument as it doesn’t cover the mouth of the person, one can eat, drink very comfortably while avoiding the surrounded pollution.

So, if a person is travelling or planning to travel, then do prepare your Travel Bag with this latest devise and be ready for the experience without any thought.  

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