Trademark Registration: Online Trademark Registration

Posted by chanda sahu
Dec 29, 2018

What Is A Trademark?

A trademark is a brand or a logo which represents a company and its operations. It distinguishes a company from the others by giving a unique identification mark. Also, it protects a company from unwanted misuse or violation. It is a most important asset of a business. Examples of some trademarks include HP, Canon, Coca-Cola, Nike etc which considered top-class brands.

Trademark registration can also be used for a business name, taglines, captions or catchy phrases. To obtain a trade name for your company you need to go for its registration under the trademarks act registration of a company name under the companies act to differentiate it from the others.

Why It Is Important For A Company?

A trademark adds value to a business. however, registering a trademark is not mandatory but its good for its goodwill and reputation. Some benefits include:

  • Once it is registered, a trademark owner can prevent others from using the same mark without his permission
  • Promotes brand reputation by building trust and reliability among people
  • Prevents others to copy or misuse the trademark of an organization
  • Provides the owner with the right to use symbol ®

Kuchvi consulting is the best Trademark Registration Company!

Registration Process

Trademark Registration Company

Best Trade Mark Registration Company

Trademark Registration involves these multiple steps. Have a look,

  • Searching

Look for the identical trademarks that might match with yours and decide accordingly. Check the trademark database by visiting the trademark registrar website which will provide enough information about the similar trademarks which have already been filed.


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