Top Reasons Why Google Added Kotlin as the Official Language for Programming Android apps

Posted by Micheal John
Sep 24, 2018

Kotlin was recently released as the official language of Android. It is an effective way of writing Android apps, and keeps coding simple and efficient.

Having known that Kotlin has been launched as the official language for Android, there are a few questions that keep coming to the mind. The question why it has been recommended as the official language and top reasons why it will benefit you as an Android developer tops them all. Here we will list out the top reasons Google added Kotlin for developing Android apps.

1 it is a mature environment

Kotlin, unlike most of the other languages including Swift, has been through a lot of stages before it was released to the developers. The platform, as a result of that, is quite safe and mature. The IDE plugin for the environment works in s safe and secure manner. There have been several tests conducted on the language. As a result, you won’t face a lot of issues working with this development environment.

2 it is interoperable with Java

The programming language runs smoothly on Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The way Kotlin has been developed in a way that it can be operated with Java programming language. So, if you have attained a certain level of comfort using the Java libraries, you can continue to do so with Kotlin. In fact, Kotlin developed by Jet Brains allows you to generate Java codes as necessary.

#3 Integrates with Android Studio

Android Studio is highly preferred by developers, and the best part about Kotlin is that it integrates with Android Studio seamlessly.

With Kotlin, you can debug the Android Studio based apps without any issues, and can run the program instantly. In fact, Kotlin allows you to run the Android Studio IDE as well.

#4 The excellent performance

When you are talking about a programming language, it is important that you talk about performance. While Kotlin does not outperform Java in the performance, it definitely increases the execution speed of the lambda functions. The runtime library has added only a few methods, when you compare the language to Java. You need to use the pro tools such as ProGuard so that you can compress the runtime library.

#5 The language is concise

The classes written with Kotlin are concise and to the point, as against Java. So, you spend less time coding the app. The new language has reduced the boilerplate codes, which in turn has made the code compact. The coding time has reduced, which has further reduced the development time and the time-to-market. This is the main reason for the increase in popularity of the programming language.

#6 It is safe

There are fewer chances of error with Kotlin, as it is more stable. You are able to detect the errors at compile time; as a result you won’t be able to view errors during runtime. Coding is easier from detecting and understanding perspective. So, if some other developer is looking into the code, then it becomes easier for them to know what the possible errors are. It is safe from every way, allowing you to upload error free apps to the play store.


Google has definitely spent a lot of time looking into Kotlin and working through its development. We offer excellent Android solutions using both Java and Kotlin. Our experts understand the need and program accordingly.

If you have an app idea, then connect with us for capable Android app development. We will get back to you within 24 hours.

This Article is Originally Published at Seashore Partners Official Blog

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