Top Reasons for Hiring a Reliable Tax Agent

Posted by IMT Accountants
Jan 21, 2023

Recent data shows that 74% of taxpayers who file tax returns opt to work with an accountant or tax agent. It's simple to see why most Australians file their taxes with tax preparers like H&R Block since doing so results in less stress, more accuracy, and maximum refunds. Let's face it; tax preparation may be complicated for those who aren't accountants, which is why many individuals leave it to the pros to receive the best refund. It's improbable that you will comprehend all the deductions you are allowed to claim if you are not an expert in occupation-specific deductions.

Accountants and tax accountants are educated to recognize possibilities to maximize the efficiency and accuracy of your tax return. In addition, hiring an accountant or tax advisor is tax deductible, so it pays for itself.


The following are the main reasons why you need to consider a reliable tax consultant:


1. It will help you save time


Although there are quite a few DIY online tax tools available, nothing compares to the comfort of working with your tax advisor while sitting down. While doing it yourself can seem like the quickest method to file your taxes, there are better options than it. An hour is typically allotted for your session with a tax advisor. To ensure the best outcome, your tax advisor will interview you and go through your records during that period. On the surface, online DIY lodging could seem faster, but for most individuals, this is different. The procedure takes significantly longer than an hour after you include the time it takes to gather your data, look up your deductions, and double-check for errors.

Be ready for your appointment to make the procedure as simple and hassle-free as possible. This tax return checklist includes a list of every document you require to do your taxes efficiently and correctly.


2. It makes your tax filing and tax matters entirely stress-free


You are solely responsible for filing your return when you do it yourself. Whether the error's tiny or innocent, you may have to deal with an ATO audit and pay fines, interest, or penalties if the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) comes knocking. You gain peace of mind while utilizing a tax agent, which is one of the main benefits. If you choose to file through an agent or accountant, you may rest easy knowing that you comply with tax rules and that your return has been appropriately filed.


3. extended periods


You can save time and money by hiring a tax advisor in person. The typical deadline of October 31st (for self-lodgers) only applies if you file your tax return through a tax agency. If you work with an agency, you could have until May of the following year to finish your return.


4. The importance of relationships


There is no getting out of paying taxes if you live and work in Australia. Building a connection with your tax professional is highly beneficial because tax planning may be complex and intricate. Your tax advisor will already have a thorough grasp of your financial status as tax season approaches and may provide specialized tax advice to help you maximize your earnings. In addition, your tax advisor can provide guidance and ideas when circumstances alter to help you make the most of your money and guarantee you receive what is due.


5. It will make your tax filing less difficult


Tax agents typically have massive experience preparing personal income tax returns for many years. Despite their experience, each tax return is different. Getting the appropriate guidance can help you save time, worry, or money on needless payments to the ATO if your financial position is complicated. Meeting with an accountant or tax advisor is a beneficial activity essential to figuring out the complexities of your finances and what deductions you are eligible for. Therefore, when hiring your income tax consultant, ensure they have the necessary experience in the field. It is ok to search for local accountants near me and check whether they are competent for the job.




Using a tax advisor is unquestionably worthwhile if you work multiple jobs, supplement your income through the sharing economy, operate a business, own rental property, or manage an investment portfolio. But once you have decided to hire a tax consultant for your tax purposes, ensure they are the best in the field for the best results. It is only the best in the field that you can deliver the best results.

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