Top 600 Do-Follow Sites for Building Backlinks!

Posted by Prabhakar A.
Jan 24, 2018

Introduction – A brief about my SEO Career.

After the completion of my graduation, I was confused about my career path like any other graduates. I came across “digital marketing” from one of my close friends.  I was excited to learn about this new field and read so many blogs to understand it fully. And, after few months I joined an SEO Start-up Company as a fresher and that was a turning point in my career. I gave all my time to learn and apply all the SEO strategies to the projects. What I understood in this 5 years of the span is no matter how much you optimize your website, you’ll need the bunch of high-quality backlinks to rank in top search results.

I agree to the point that only building backlink won’t help you to rank but once you are done with the keyword research, meta tags, head tags, and content, all you left is to build quality do-follow backlinks to bring your site to the top position for your targeted keywords.

Off Page SEO – The Ultimate Guide to Better Rankings

I still believe that without building backlinks we cannot rank in the search result for the top keywords. We can drive huge traffic to the site only by building quality backlinks. Every bloggers or SEO experts do on page but ignores off page activities.

Off page is not only about building backlinks but is actually more than that. To ease your work, I’ve mentioned all the proven backlinks here. These are the approved backlinks which I’ve got all my hard work and patience.  

Through this blog post, I want to reach all the SEO fellows and provide them a bunch of do-follow sites where getting a backlink is easy & simple. 

Have a look at these sites and do mention your feedback. 

Comments (1)
Dorano V.

Professional PR since 2010

What are the sites links please.

Nov 1, 2018 Like it
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