Tomorrow's money
We need to redistribute wealth! Here’s how:
Open P2P currencies running wild on the Internet represent a coming paradigm shift for the very bloodstream of our economy - it’s money.
After 400 years of nearly uncontested control over the money supply, central banks of the world now face formidable competition, threatening to make them obsolete altogether. And it’s not only central banking - any form of money transfer does not require the help of a payment processor any more. No need for banking networks such as SWIFT or SEPA, no need for any proprietary e-money - many of the traditional banking business models will become obsolete. Once again, it will be possible to live your life without ever entering a bank, if we so choose. Nothing short of taking control over the Internet by almost all governments worldwide or removing the Internet altogether can stop this development. The djinn is out of the bottle.
short introductional video What Is Bitcoin? (official release by
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