Tips for Baby’s Sound Sleep at Night

Posted by Nila Urvi
Aug 31, 2017
Babies have different sleep patterns; they are not aware whether it is day or night and thus have their own sleep schedules. Some babies stay awake throughout the night and sleep during day while others sleep for few hours at night and then stay awake.

It is difficult for even parents to predict the sleep of baby. However certain things can be made so that baby gets sound sleep at night. As once the baby wakes up in the middle of night it is difficult to make the baby sleep especially if baby is having certain problems or issues.

Here are few tips for baby’s sound sleep at night:

1. Environment: Environment and the aura plays great role in deciding the nature of our course. Say for studying, the environment should be calm and quiet with bright light and if the question is sleeping, one must have environment in sync with it like there should be dim light, calm atmosphere and silence. For baby’s sound sleep see that the environment is set up accordingly. Switch on the night blub, switch off your television and set the bed of your baby as he/she gets prepared for sleep. See that the atmosphere is calm and silent. Keep the temperature of the room bearable for the baby.

2. Diapering: One of the main reasons for breaking of the baby’s sleep is bed wetting. Make your baby sleep with diapers as they soak the liquid and keep the surface dry so that your baby is not disturbed in any way while sleeping.

3. Dream feeding:Dream feed is feeding given to the baby just before you go to bed and it helps prevent baby from waking up just after we moms finally fall to sleep. Dream feed can help your new born baby sleep for longer while you sleep.

4. Limit the naps during the day: It is hard to wake up the baby but making him/her sleep for long hours during the day will rob them off their night sleep. Like if baby sleeps past two hours just wake the baby and engage in some playful activity. Breaking such naps during the day will help your newborn baby sleep better at night. Sometimes if your baby is not well or tired then do not break the sleep as it might hinder the health.

5. Health:Health also plays vital role in deciding the sleeping pattern of your child. If your baby is not well viz. has choking nose, fever etc then he/she might find it difficult to sleep at night. Give proper medication and care so that your baby feels at ease and gets sounds sleep.

6. Swaddle: From the birth to age of five months; baby’s posses startle reflex, in which they feel as if they are falling and this sensation of falling causes jerking movements and the baby will accidently wake up. So, wrap the baby or swaddle them up in cloth prevents the babies from startling themselves awake, thus helping the new born to sleep both better and longer.

7. Lay down the baby awake, but drowsy: The most vital way to encourage your baby to sleep well in long run is to teach him to fall asleep independently, which is vital to teach the baby, independent sleep. Like adults’ babies naturally wakes up at night but they do not know how to get back to sleep and will cry and become restless resulting in waking up for longer hours at night. As the baby gets older falling asleep independently enables baby to fall back to sleep easily.

8. Bed time massage: It is age old belief that with bed time massage, babies fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly than those who did not have one. So, give your baby a 15 minutes massage before bed using slow strokes, moderate pressure and baby safe oil.

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