Things to look before buying an acoustic guitar

Posted by Alex R.
Feb 11, 2020

Buying a musical instrument is as critical as buying a medical equipment for yourself. Thus, purchasing a good quality acoustic guitar is indeed a tough job. It gets even more tough, particularly if you are a beginner and have decided to but a guitar recently. With the plethora of options available in the market, it gets really tough for you to decide which particular deal to choose. 

Although there is no right or wrong in deciding which particular acoustic guitar to choose, it is really difficult to pick one among so many instruments. Acoustic guitars generally come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. It all depends on your preference and the kind of music, tone and loudness you actually prefer, based on which you should confirm your product. 

Whatever may it be, always go for the ones that are powerful, versatile as well as have a fashionable look. Each of these factors are equally significant as none of them alone can help! Here are a few important things that you should keep in mind while finalising your purchase for an acoustic guitar:

  • Conduct your own research:

It is always ideal to have done your own set of primary research. You should not just grab any model of your choice. Knowing at least a little bit about an acoustic guitar will always yield you the maximum when you actually step into a musical store. 

If you have already planned your mind to purchase an acoustic guitar, do a bit of research about the tons of options available in the market. This will indeed be helpful for you, particularly when you are visiting the store, rather than coming across a lot of technicalities over there and getting confused.

  • Take a note of the genre you want to play:

There's nothing particular about the choice of acoustic guitar. Once you are sure about the genre you would like to play, you may pick up a device according to it. Not all the guitars are meant for the same genre. Hence, you need to understand which particular model of acoustic guitar would go with the genre you decided to opt for! 

  • Choose the size:

Based on whether you are purchasing the acoustic guitar for yourself or your kid, you need to choose its size. There's nothing like an acoustic guitar of a bigger size will be better than the one of a smaller size. It depends entirely on your preference and the size you are comfortable with! 

If you are planning to purchase an acoustic guitar for the kids at your home, you ought to determine it on the age of the children who would probably be using it. Children around the age of 2 to 5 years can opt for the ¼-sized guitars, wherein kids between the age of 5-8 years need to opt for the ½-sized guitars. The ones who are a little younger than the teenage age group may use ¾-sized guitars while the teens, youngers and the adults may go for the full sized models.

  • See to your style preference: 

Acoustic guitars are absolutely stylish and fashionable. You decide a guitar not by its features and the sound, you look at its look and feel as well. Dreadnought acoustic guitar is usually one of the most common types of acoustic guitars. It comes with a large body. 

If you want an instrument with a bold and loud tone, this could be the one for you! It was originally developed in 1916 by C.F. Martin & Company. It was popular since then and now, a lot of other guitar manufacturers seem to copy this model. 

However, the choice of one customer varies from another. While a lot of people would like to go for the traditional methods, some will go for experimenting the new arrivals.

  • Check before you pay: 

If you are purchasing an acoustic guitar from the store, play it before you buy. Try out different notes and see which of them is brighter, deeper and bigger. Do not just make the payment before giving the trial. Try out different notes up and down. Measure the responsiveness of the fretboard. Also, take a note of the guitar's ease of play. Go through the entire length of the guitar and see if it's easy to play. 

You need to check if the tuning pegs are easy to operate. Also, yuo need to ensure that all the pieces or the strings are fastened properly. Check the heights of the strings from the frets. See whether or not everything is comfortable to you. Once you are certain that things are going fine with you, make the confirmation for the same. 

  • Budget:

Buying an acoustic guitar is of course, an amazing idea but at the same time, you need to make sure that you aren't breaking your bank to make the purchase. Do not spend anything abruptly. This budget amount is thus, dependent on the amount you can afford. Certainly, the expensive ones are going to come with a lot of added features. 

However, there's no point in making the purchase until and unless you are aware of your requirement, specifications and comfortability criteria. If you are just a beginner, I would definitely recommend you to start with something that belongs from a mid-range of price. 

On the contrary, if you have already got a good share of experience, look for a model that will enhance your playing experience. Paying something that's a luttle higher than the usual ones will then, worth it!.

Bottom line: There are a lot of other factors to look upon while purchasing an acoustic guitar. Some of them typically include low action, fretboard, neck width, and the string gauge. Always ensure taking the decision wisely. This is an important purchase, and picking up a product that's worth the value you are paying for, is significant. 

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