The Spiritual Laws of Yoga that can Help People Find Peace
Owing to the many physical, mental and spiritual benefits offered by it, yoga has gained massive popularity around the world over the last decade. The word ‘yoga’ basically means union and can be considered as a pathway that can help people take a step forward towards uniting with the divine or infinite Spirit. It is speculated that the origins of yoga dates back to the pre-Vedic Indian traditions. There have also been mentions of Yoga in the ancient Rigveda and the Upanishads of India.

While yoga has its roots in India, its popularity has spread to western countries as well. In fact, as per certain reports, the number of Americans practicing yoga grew by 50% between the years of 2012 and 2016. Several yoga studious and spiritual centers can be found in the US now, where people can learn yoga under the guidance of reliable spiritual gurus, such as Chamunda Swami Ji. Unlike many other spiritual gurus, the disciples of Chamunda Swami Ji never have any complaints from him, and hence people can easily place their trust in him when it comes to learning diverse types of yoga and enjoying its incredible spiritual benefits.
Most people consider yoga to be a great way of improving physical health and body posture. However, there is much more to yoga than that. Yoga is also known to have a profound influence on the mental health of a person, as well as assist them to take a step towards spirituality. People learning yoga are often taught to follow certain spiritual laws that help them to find inner peace and tranquility. Here are some of the important spiritual laws of yoga:
• Law of Pure Potentiality: The nature of a person is considered to be largely dependent on pure consciousness. Consciousness additionally is referred to as an infinite source of almost every element that exists in the physical world.
• Law of Giving and Receiving: While being drastically different expressions, both giving and receiving have the same flow of energy in the universe. As the universe is in constant change, it is important for people to both give and receive love, compassion and anything else they want to keep circulating in their life.
• Law of Karma: Each and every action generates a distinct force of energy, which is subsequently returned back to the person committing the task. Hence, as people choose to engage in actions that bring happiness to others, they would also similarly enjoy the fruit of their karma and receive happiness and joy in return.
• Law of Least Effort: People can fulfill their desires in the easiest way when their actions are motivated by love and compassion, as well as when they expend the least effort by offering minimal resistance. This enables people to tap into the infinite power of the universe and accomplish what they want by doing less.
In addition to the above-mentioned laws, the Law of Intention and Desire, the law of Detachment, and the law of Dharma are considered to be the seven crucial spiritual laws of yoga.
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