The Science Behind Customer Behavior and Augmented Reality Marketing

Posted by Iliya Avramov
Jun 2, 2024

In the ever-evolving digital world, businesses are on a constant quest to capture their audience's attention in novel ways. 

One technology that's making waves is augmented reality (AR), poised to change how brands engage with customers. Iliya Avramov, founder of AdwayCreative digital marketing agency, highlights this transformation in his article "Examples of Augmented Reality Marketing Campaigns." According to Avramov, AR is revolutionizing traditional marketing by adding an interactive twist that truly grabs attention.

But what makes AR such a game-changer in influencing customer behavior? 

To get a grip on this, let's dive into the science of how AR affects the human mind and shapes decision-making.

  •  One major reason AR is so impactful is its ability to create immersive experiences. By merging digital elements with the real world, AR engages multiple senses at once, leading to deeper engagement and better recall. Javornik and colleagues explain that "AR is at the forefront of marketing technologies, enriching user experiences by augmenting sensory perception of reality with digital data in real-time." This sensory-rich approach helps brands stick in customers' minds and boosts loyalty.

  • AR also bridges the gap between virtual and physical worlds, letting customers interact with products more tangibly. This is especially helpful for online shopping, where visualizing a product in your own space can be tricky. Virtual try-ons and product demos via AR ease this uncertainty, making decision-making easier. Research by Yaoyuneyong and team shows that this level of interaction boosts brand recognition and conversion rates significantly.

Personalization is another key aspect of AR's influence. 

  • By tapping into user data, brands can craft AR experiences tailored to individual preferences. This not only increases engagement but also builds a stronger connection between the brand and the consumer. Scholz and Smith found that personalized AR content enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Moreover, AR turns passive viewing into active participation, creating memorable and engaging experiences. 

  • Interactive elements like games or filters encourage users to play with content in fun, meaningful ways. This boosts brand awareness and promotes social sharing, extending the campaign's reach. Hilken and colleagues note that AR's blend of entertainment and information is a potent tool for engagement and viral marketing.

In summary, AR's impact on customer behavior lies in its ability to create immersive, personalized, and interactive experiences. 

  • By engaging multiple senses, bridging virtual and physical realms, and encouraging active participation, AR can revolutionize how brands connect with audiences. As Avramov points out, businesses that embrace AR and stay ahead of the curve can enhance consumer experiences and drive substantial engagement and growth.

> For real-world examples of successful AR marketing, check out Avramov's original article, "Examples of Augmented Reality Marketing Campaigns," on the blog of AdwayCreative website.


Javornik, A., Rogers, Y., Moutinho, A. M., & Freeman, R. (2016). Revealing the shopper experience of using a "magic mirror" augmented reality make-up application. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 871-882.
Yaoyuneyong, G., Foster, J., Johnson, E., & Johnson, D. (2016). Augmented reality marketing: Consumer preferences and attitudes toward hypermedia print ads. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 16(1), 16-30.
Scholz, J., & Smith, A. N. (2016). Augmented reality: Designing immersive experiences that maximize consumer engagement. Business Horizons, 59(2), 149-161.
Hilken, T., de Ruyter, K., Chylinski, M., Mahr, D., & Keeling, D. I. (2017). Augmenting the eye of the beholder: Exploring the strategic potential of augmented reality to enhance online service experiences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(6), 884-905.

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